On Oct 26, 12:27pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
} Subject: RE: DPT Linux RAID.

> On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, G.W. Wettstein wrote:

> > 
> > The instability is especially profound in an SMP environment.  Under
> > any kind of load there will be crashes and hangs.

> Red Hat defaults to using CONFIG_SCSI_EATA_DMA if you have a PM2144UW.  I
> have a client with 2 servers using PM2144UW's with CONFIG_SCSI_EATA_DMA
> that have been rock stable.  Neither is SMP.  One is a mail/web/dns
> server.  The other is backup mail/dns and squid.

That is an interesting datapoint.

The PM3334 in a dual-PII simply would not hold up under load on our
main IMAP server with the EATA_DMA driver.  Our news server (dual
PII-300) was also running with one of these and we saw problems.

The problem seem to be compounded when we had SMC Etherpower-II (EPIC)
cards in the machines.  I had a lot of respect for SMC but these cards
have no place in a production environment from our experience.

The issue is probably pretty much moot for us at this point.  The DPT
cards, at least the 3334 we have, simply don't have the I/O
performance that we need as our load scales.  We have been pretty
happy with the DAC960 cards although we had to turn off tagged queing
in order to keep the drives on-line.

We are moving toward fibre-channel and outboard RAID controllers to
implement the SAN that we are deploying for our Linux server farms.
Given the excellent luck that we have had with the software RAID code
for Linux I probably see a diminishing future for hardware RAID
controller cards in most of our servers.  We are using software RAID1
to mirror root, var and swap and than deploying the service
filesystems on the RAID5 composite volumes provided by the
fibre-channel controllers.

>  Jon Lewis *[EMAIL PROTECTED]*|  Spammers will be winnuked or 

Thanks again for the note, have a pleasant remainder of the week.


}-- End of excerpt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As always,
Dr. G.W. Wettstein           Enjellic Systems Development - Specializing
4206 N. 19th Ave.            in information infra-structure solutions.
Fargo, ND  58102             WWW: http://www.enjellic.com
Phone: 701-281-1686          EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"MS can classify NT however they like.  Calling a pig a bird still
doesn't get you flying ham, however."
                                -- Steven N. Hirsch

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