You need the patch for the 2.2.14 kernel...

At , Jens Klaas wrote:
>Hi Gang,
>I use the 2.2.11 kernel with the raid0145-19990824-2.2.11 patch.
>It works fine as long as I don't let multiple user on the system.
>Heavy load is not the problem, more the concurrent access. :(
>The box crashed without any error message in any log file.
>I compiled the 2.2.14 kernel without any patch. Now I can't start my raid,
>even if the md driver are available.
>Is raid0 with the patch and the kernel supported raid0 not the same format?
>In the mkraid man page I read somethink about the old format. How can I get
>more infos about the new format.

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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