> What I wanna do is add a spare disk/partition to an existing raid1 array.

Do you want to keep the N-way mirror with N copies, but add a spare so
that when one of the N fails, it will start re-constructing immediately,
or do you want to change it to an N+1 array ?
[ Note that the former will be less resilient, as you can still be caught
  by multiple failures, and that the latter costs more in disk IO when

If the former, just `raidhotadd'.
If the latter, see below ...

> Is there a way to reconfigure the drive(s) without losing data?

For RAID1 it's easy -- it's the other RAIDs that are hard ...

I would:

1) backup the data to tape `just in case' ...
2) shut down the RAID array.
3) create an N+1 way raidtab entry with N-1 of the original disks,
   and two `raid-failed' entries (so that you have a `backup' disk!).
4) FORCE the creation of the new raid array.
   As the N-1 disks were in the original array, they are all already
   holding the same data, so it does not matter which one is chosen as the
   `master' from which the others are copied.
5) `raidhotadd' the new disk you wanted to add in the first place.
6) When re-sync'ed, do whatever checks you want at this point ....
   a) `fsck -n' the individual disks (do **NOT** write !)
   b) `cmp -l' the individual disks `| head' and check that the first
      difference is at the end of the partition (the PSB).
   c) Look at the resultant FS.
7) raidhotadd the backup disk.

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