Gregory Leblanc wrote:
>    2.4. How do I apply the patch to a kernel that I just downloaded from
>    Put the downloaded kernel in /usr/src. Change to this directory, and
>    move any directory called linux to something else. Then, type tar
>    -Ixvf kernel-2.2.16.tar.bz2, replacing kernel-2.2.16.tar.bz2 with your
>    kernel. Then cd to /usr/src/linux, and run patch -p1 < raid-2.2.16-A0.
>    Then compile the kernel as usual.

My tar cannot use bz2-compressed unless used with
--use-compress-program=bzip2. so that line sould probably read "bzcat
kernel-2.2.16.tar.bz2 | tar xf -". Also the only tar I saw that knows
bzip2 is slackware's and it uses the '-y' switch for that. I never saw
the '-I' switch for tar and my 'info tar' does not list it. Bottomline:
Your tar is too customized to be in a FAQ.


University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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