On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 03:13:47PM -0800, Roland Dreier wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Mike Heinz <michael.he...@qlogic.com> wrote:
> > The biggest problem with that is that patching existing boot scripts
> > is always going to vary from distro to distro and is always going to
> > have problems when dealing with files that were already edited for
> > site-specific reasons.
> This is the wrong way to look at it.  Really it would make sense in
> the long term to add required support to native distros -- piling hack
> on hack in OFED is clearly a long-term disaster.  So I don't think
> saying "it's hard to make a single RPM" is a very good argument.

Indeed, considering that OFEDs entire purpose is to manage packaging
IB stuff for distributions this doesn't seem like a good argument..
Nor do I think OFED should even try to have one RPM for all distros,
good packaging isn't like that.

> In this case I do think it makes sense to add this support to the
> kernel, since the kernel handling is so simple.  In fact based on
> Jack's question it might make sense to go further and have more
> flexible expansion... what if we do something like adding primitive
> format expansion, ie

Doing it in userspace makes generating the node description changed
trap simpler?

What about other drivers? I didn't see ehca in Mike's patch..

I just wonder if this is a big pain to do right, what about charsets, IDN,
and ugly details like that?

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