On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, Atchley, Scott wrote:

> > Hmmm... You are running an old kernel. What version of OFED do you
> > use?
> Hah, if you think my kernel is old, you should see my userland
> (RHEL5.5). ;-)

My condolences.

> Does the version of OFED impact the kernel modules? I am using the
> modules that came with the kernel. I don't believe that libibverbs or
> librdmacm are used by the kernel's socket stack. That said, I am using
> source builds with tags libibverbs-1.1.6 and v1.0.16 (librdmacm).

OFED includes kernel modules which provides the drivers that you need.
Installing a new OFED release on RH5 is possible and would give you up to
date drivers. Check with RH: They may have them somewhere easy to install
for your version of RH.

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