On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 06:10:11PM +0000, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
> On Jun 5, 2013, at 10:14 AM, Jason Gunthorpe 
> <jguntho...@obsidianresearch.com> wrote:
> >> a = malloc(x);    // a gets (va=0x100, pa=0x12345) back from malloc
> >> MPI_Send(a, ...); // MPI registers 0x100 for len=x, and saves (0x100,x) in 
> >> reg cache
> >> free(a);
> >> a = malloc(x);    // a gets (va=0x100, pa=0x98765) back from malloc
> >> MPI_Send(a, ...); // MPI sees a=0x100 and things that it is already 
> >> registered
> >> // ...kaboom
> > 
> > ODP is supposed to completely solve this problem. The HCA's view and
> > Kernels view of virtual to physical mapping becomes 100% synchronized,
> > and there is no 'kaboom'. The kernel updates the HCA after the free,
> > and after the 2nd malloc to 100% match the current virtual memory map
> > in the process.
> Are you saying that the 2nd malloc will magically be registered
> (with the new physical address)?

Yes, that is the whole point.

ODP fundamentally fixes the *bug* where the HCA's view of process
memory can become inconsistent with the kernel's view.

'magically be registered' is the wrong way to think about it - the
registration of VA=0x100 is simply kept, and any change to the
underlying physical mapping of the VA is synchronized with the HCA.

> 'zactly.  Roland has this ummunot branch in his git tree, where he
> is in the middle of incorporating this functionality from the
> original ummunotify standalone kernel module into libibverbs and
> ibcore.

Right, this was discussed at the Enterprise Summit a few weeks
ago. I'm sure Roland would welcome patches...

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