Linux-Setup Digest #17, Volume #20               Sat, 11 Nov 00 16:13:08 EST

  Re: RH 7.0/Win2K Dual Boot Trouble ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Cable Internet connection for RH 7.0 (Murray Eisenberg)
  Re: build libs with gcc (Wayne Pollock)
  Re: Oracle 8i on RH Linux 7.0 ("Doug Holtz")
  Re: Boot into X-Windows Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: @ brave new world (Munir Nassar)
  Lexmark Z11 (root)
  KDE 2.0 - error msg (inon21)
  Re: Linux still hangs ?? (John Thompson)
  Finding Lost Files (Chris Harris)
  Finding Lost Files (Chris Harris)
  Peanut distro ("Alan casey")
  setting up x on a notebook (Thorsten Gutermuth)
  Re: If I switch to Mandrake 7.2, will I take a hit? ("Mark")
  Re: Cable Internet connection for RH 7.0 ("pl")
  Linux+Win2k+win98??? ("SoudBoy0")
  Help installing KDE 2.0!!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Boot-problem (Lee)
  Upgrade RH 6.1 to RH 6.2 ("H.A.J. van Niekerk")
  Re: How to create a bootable CD? (Frederic Faure)


Subject: Re: RH 7.0/Win2K Dual Boot Trouble
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:07:15 GMT

I used a different approach. Have Linux put the bootsector on /boot
partition. Then use a boot manager, e.g. bootmagic, and add the
partition that contains the /boot into the menu. If u have 2 harddisks,
putting NT Loader and Linux's LILO on the MBR of the respective
hard-disk worked too. Just change the bootable harddisk to the one LILO
resides on.

Btw, I'm also interested in yr way of doing it. If u can get it to work,
pls drop me a mail.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Just what do you mean by "use LILO instead" -- replace the NT loader
> the MBR with LILO?  That's not what RedHat says to do!  They refer one
> to the Linux + NT Loader mini-HOWTO which is very specific about that
> not being the way.
> And if you do mean to put LILO on the MBR, are you dead certain that
> will still be possible to start Windows 2000?
> Eric wrote:
> >
> > Doug Pippel wrote:
> > >
> > > Howdy folks - I'm trying to set up my dual boot Red Hat 7 and
> > > 2000 system to start Linux from the hard drive using the Win2K
> > > loader. I've stripped the boot sector from my Linux boot floppy
> > > 512K), saved it to the file bootsect.lnx, copied it to the root
> > > of my C: drive and modified my C:\BOOT.INI file thusly:
> > >
> > > [boot loader]
> > > timeout=30
> > > default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT
> > > [operating systems]
> > > multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
> > > C:\BOOTSECT.LNX="Red Hat Linux v7.0"
> > >
> > > It's not working. When I select Linux nothing happens. I get a
blank screen
> > > with the cursor in the upper right-hand corner but the system does
> > > boot. I've also tried stripping the boot sector from my Linux
/boot partition
> > > on the hard disk with the same results - no boot. I can boot from
my Linux
> > > floppy just fine. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> > >
> > > DP
> >
> > Yeah, use LILO instead. :-)
> >
> > Eric
> --
> Murray Eisenberg                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mathematics & Statistics Dept.       phone 413 549-1020 (H)
> Univ. of Massachusetts                     413 545-2859 (W)
> Amherst, MA 01003-4515

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Before you buy.


From: Murray Eisenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cable Internet connection for RH 7.0
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 16:16:07 GMT

I'm about to install RedHat 7.0 (Red Hat's own distribution) as a
workstation -- NOT as a server -- on a PC whose 3COM NIC is wired to an
Ethernet hub that in turn is wired to a LinkSys Cable/DSL Router
connected to the Internet over cable. (So the computer gets its IP
address from the Router).  Anything special I need to do during
installation of RH 7.0 to get it to connect to the Internet this way?

Murray Eisenberg                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.       phone 413 549-1020 (H)
Univ. of Massachusetts                     413 545-2859 (W)
Amherst, MA 01003-4515


From: Wayne Pollock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: build libs with gcc
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 21:29:24 -0500

Normal libraries are usually built from the object files with
a separate command.  It has been awhile but I think the command
is "ar".  "gcc -c f1.c f2.c f3.c" should result in three .o files.
then create the library and add the .o files to it with ar.  Check
the man page for details.

-Wayne Pollock

Martin Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to build a librarie with gcc or ld
> but dont know the right compiler / linker
> option, i only found the option -shared
> to build a shared-librarie which works.
> Is there a similar option to build a 'normal' lib ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Martin


From: "Doug Holtz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: Oracle 8i on RH Linux 7.0
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 11:44:36 -0600

Where can I get Oracle for Linux?  Is there a free download version?

Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:3a0c30ae$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I am running Red Hat Linux 7.0 and I just installed Oracle 8i for Linux on
> it.
> Near the end of the installation the wizard stated that it was
> Database".  That's where it hung.  I let if set over night but that did
> do any good.  The rest of the install went just fine.  Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
> Lamar


Subject: Re: Boot into X-Windows Question
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:46:22 GMT

You need to change the runlevel to 5 (X11).
Edit the file /etc/inittab.
Look for the line that says "id:3:initdefault:", and replace the "3"
with a "5".
See also if level 5 rules are present like ,e.g.
"x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon" or ".../xdm ..." etc.


In article <VicP5.20805$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I just installed Linux on my computer (Mandrake 7.0.2)
> Everything works right ... but I mistakenly said NO when it asked
> you like to boot into X-Windows when the system comes up" (similar
> I said NO :(
> Now I get to go into xwindows only by typing in startx at the prompt.
> I would instead like it to start X with the KDE desktop with all the
> goodies being displayed.
> Help!
> uday_menon

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Before you buy.


From: Munir Nassar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: @ brave new world
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 12:38:54 -0600

Jørgen-Christian Verner Hansen wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Nov 2000 06:59:34 GMT, CSNI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Ok im installing mandrake 7.1 on a Asus CUSL2 Intel 815E Atx 733
> >motherboard. Using the Drakx install program, whenever I reach the partition
> >format proceedure, the system hangs or sometimes reboot on its own usually
> >at the latterportion of the hard drive.
> >
> >help anybody got any ideas?
> >
> >
> Mayby,-

ive had a similar problem with my old WD Caviar 2850, if i tried to
access the drive at a point about 3/4th to the end the computer would
just lock up. not even a low-level format went through and when i
contacted WD they told me the drive is toast. the poor thing lasted 4
years and a trip across the ocean... way to go fella...

anyways check the manufacturors website and their version of EZ-drive to
check the drive, there should be a non-destructive test.

I also encountered a similar problem with a loose IDE cable... same
simptoms (plus one or two extra) diferent drive

hope this helps



From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lexmark Z11
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:21:50 +0100


Can anyone tell me how to install my Lexmark Z11 printer?

Thanks in advance


From: inon21 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDE 2.0 - error msg
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 19:09:08 GMT

I downloaded the source (.bz2) files for all packages. After tar xvf
kdesupport, ./configure gave the following error msg.
"Checking for X...Configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check
your installation and add correct path."

Then, I included /etc/X11R6/include to the PATH env var. Still the
error msg is the same.

Please help me where I am doing wrong and help installing KDE2.0.
Thanks a lot.

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Before you buy.


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux still hangs ??
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 09:18:43 -0600

Ed Bras wrote:

> When I type:
> tar -cvf /dev/st0 --exclude /proc   /
> Red Hat 7.0 hangs
> Does anyone knows why ??
> It happened after installing ups powerchute software.
> I doesn't hang when removing the -f switch, but still it shouldn't hang and
> how do I then make a backup ??

Don't use the "-f" switch.  The "-f" switch tells tar that you
want to create an archive *file* but you're writing the archive
to a tape *device*.  There's no filesystem on a tape device so
tar just sits there waiting for something to happen.




From: Chris Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Finding Lost Files
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:01:38 -0300

I have SuSE Linux 6.3, which I have been experimenting with. I more or
less have everything working but am having sport getting my SB 16 PnP
card working. While messing about I deleted the "soundcore" module and
cant work out how to reload it from the ditro. CDs.

Can anybody help? Basically what is the procedure to find one file on
the CDs and extract it to the right place on the HD?



From: Chris Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Finding Lost Files
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:03:11 -0300

I have SuSE Linux 6.3, which I have been experimenting with. I more or
less have everything working but am having sport getting my SB 16 PnP
card working. While messing about I deleted the "soundcore" module and
cant work out how to reload it from the ditro. CDs.

Can anybody help? Basically what is the procedure to find one file on
the CDs and extract it to the right place on the HD?



From: "Alan casey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Peanut distro
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:04:55 GMT

Just figuring out Linux, and have come across Peanut Linux.  Seems very
small (and therefore attractive).  What I cannot figure out is what I would
be giving up.  Anyone help.

Also is this version suitable for a newbie?

Thanks a lot.


From: Thorsten Gutermuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: setting up x on a notebook
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:22:19 +0000

I use Suse 6.3(2.2.13) on a notebook. I frist tried to setup X using
sax, which resulted in to red lines on my screen. Then I read the x and
notebook howto and ran a tool called SuperProbe, which gave me the
specification of my graphic card:
SuperProbe Version 2.21 (1999 September 9)...
First video: Super-VGA
        Chipset: Trident Cyber9385 (PCI Probed)
        Memory:  2048 Kbytes
        RAMDAC:  Trident Built-In 15/16/24-bit DAC
                 (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode))

now I tried to use XF86Setup and tried all sort of monitors and modes
and always failed. Once I was successfull with a resolution of 640x480,
but I could only see one quarter of the usual screen. Oftern I got the
_X11 TransSocketUNIXConnect : can't connect: errno 111.

Since the howto suggests in such a case one should try startx >
/tmp/x.out 2>&1 and have a look at x.out afterwards, I tried it, which
gave me
XFree86 Version 3.3.5 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)...
Release Date: August 23 1999
XF86Config: /etc/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) XKB: model: "pc101"
(**) XKB: layout: "us"
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/mouse, buttons: 3
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: "Primary Card"
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: "Primary Monitor"
(--) SVGA: Invalid vertical timing for mode "320x204". Deleted.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to
(--) SVGA: PCI: Trident TGUI 96xx rev 211, Memory @ 0xfdc00000,
0xfe000000, MMIO @ 0xfe7f0000
RENDITION: vendor 0x8086 chip 0x7100
RENDITION: vendor 0x8086 chip 0x7110
RENDITION: vendor 0x8086 chip 0x7111
RENDITION: vendor 0x8086 chip 0x7112
RENDITION: vendor 0x8086 chip 0x7113
RENDITION: vendor 0x1023 chip 0x9660
RENDITION: vendor 0x104c chip 0xac1c
RENDITION: vendor 0x104c chip 0xac1c
(**) SVGA: chipset:  generic
(--) SVGA: videoram: 64k
(**) SVGA: clocks:  25.18
(**) SVGA: Using 8 bpp, Depth 8, Color weight: 666
(--) SVGA: Using builtin driver modes
(--) SVGA: Builtin Mode: 320x200
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 320x204
(--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
xinit:  connection to X server lost.
waiting for X server to shut down 

what didn't help me, since the missing fonts should not be the cause of
my problem.

I'll appreciate any comments.

"Der Intellekt ist eben tatsächlich nur ein Diener des Willens. Nur als
Medium der Motive wurde er ursprünglich vom Willen selbst


From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: If I switch to Mandrake 7.2, will I take a hit?
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:26:35 GMT

Interesting to hear all these people say 64 megs is not enough; I have 64

I have MDK 7.2 installed with Gnome and KDE.. switch back and forth between
them.  It's not as fast as I'd like but, I would not say slower than
Winblows 98; I would say slower than older version, though. The only place
I've noticed a slow down is while booting and that might have something to
do with something new in my configuration.

Of course, as with any setup 128 is going to have a huge performance boost
from 64.


From: "pl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cable Internet connection for RH 7.0
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:56:45 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Murray Eisenberg"

> I'm about to install RedHat 7.0 (Red Hat's own distribution) as a workstation
> -- NOT as a server -- on a PC whose 3COM NIC is wired to an Ethernet hub that
> in turn is wired to a LinkSys Cable/DSL Router connected to the Internet over
> cable. (So the computer gets its IP address from the Router).  Anything
> special I need to do during installation of RH 7.0 to get it to connect to the
> Internet this way?
If the Linksys is assigning IP addresses, configure the RH to use DHCP during
install. That's the only thing I can think of that would be any different than
any other install. 

For what its worth, heres RH's install manual's relevant section:


From: "SoudBoy0" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux+Win2k+win98???
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:59:31 GMT

Ok I am stuck needing all three and would like to boot 98 on hdb. I do not
have aney fat partitions on hda. Lilo says its loading win 98 but after
that, nothing. Can win98 boot from hdb? Does it need a fat partition on hda?
Is there any thein special needed? I have win2k and linux on hda and thay
boot fine. I am using mandrake 7.0 and lilo setup shows no errors.

Aney help would be greatly aprecated.
thanks, SpudBoy


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Help installing KDE 2.0!!!!
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:53:35 GMT

Ok, just to let you know, I am terrible at installing programs in
Linux.  I have ran Linux for a while, but I might as well be classified
as a newbie.
I have tried numerously to get KDE2 installed on my machine.   (somehow
I managed to get a beta version installed a long time ago, but have no
idea how I did it.  It isn't installed on here anymore, just to let you
know.  I reinstalled Linux since then.)
Here's a rundown of my machine

400 MHz
192 megs of ram
5.1 gig drive
acer 54e monitor (handles 1024x768)
ati rage 128 agp video
sb live sound
zoom 56k v90 modem
hp cd writer (and a normal 40x cdrom)
1.44 floppy

I don't know what will help you but I might as well write more than
enough info rather than not enough.

I have Linux Mandrake 7.0 installed as my main and only OS.
I already have kde 1.1.2 installed on this machine, along with other
window managers.

The last time I tried to install KDE2, I downloaded all of the files

I installed them in this order...


They weren't exactly these file names but the one closest to it at the address.  I would install the library file first and
then the base file second.

Now I did install other files inbetween these files and probably before
the first one.  While installing them, I told it to check for
dependencies and if there was a dependency problem, I would uninstall
what ever RPM that was conflicting with by using the rpm -e <filename>
or if it needed a file, I would go online and download it.  But some of
these programs would have so many dependencies that I would be here for
a half hour just uninstalling dependencies for one file.  And quite
often, the dependencies would have dependencies and they would have
dependencies, and it would go on forever.
I did try to reformat the partition and install Linux without KDE 1.1.2
in it and it still had a ton of dependency problems.
Then I tried to just force them all in, but that caused a lot of
problems.  And on top of all of this, it said that my xf86 server needed
to be updated.  (I am currently using 3.3.6.)  I never got that working
right until I reinstalled Linux and that is about where I am at now.

If someone could give me detailed instructions on how to install KDE2,
that would be great.

Or is there an installation program that installs KDE2 for you and
solves all the dependency problems by itself like the Helix Gnome
install program?

Is it better to use the RPM files or the tar.gz files?

Please just give me instructions like you were explaining this to a
person that has never seen a computer before.

Thanks A Lot for your time,

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Before you buy.


Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 21:59:43 +0100
Subject: Boot-problem


I can't go to the Slackware setup. The main problem is my
floppy-controller being fried since I bought my motherboard. It can't
read/write most floppies (so I can't use boot/rootdisks), so I used
loadlin to boot an initial ramdisk, but the initrd won't load. On the
net there are some articles which say it's an old bug in loadlin, which
causes loadlin to refuse to load an initrd. I used this command:

loadlin c:\bare.i root=/dev/ram rw initrd=c:\color.gz

I used some variations of this (like adding mem=128M), but that didn't
help either. These are my hardware-specs:

MSI K7T Pro motherboard
AMD Thunderbird 700 MHz
128 MB PC100 RAM
Maxtor 15 GB IDE harddisk
+ some other drives and PCI-boads which don't matter

Any alternative ideas to boot appreciated!


From: "H.A.J. van Niekerk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Upgrade RH 6.1 to RH 6.2
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:03:09 +0100


I want to upgrade a pc from RH 6.1 to RH 6.2. I've successfullu upgraded
other systems which use IDE-harddisks. This one however, uses an Adaptec
1542CP and 9 GB Seagate SCSI harddisk. The upgrade starts well, but
after some time the installation just stops without indication about
what's happening and why. Moving mouse or pressing keys doesn't help.
When I press ctrl-alt-del nothing happens. Pressing the reset-button
starts the process all over again, and the installation stops again, at
the same point or at a different point.

Can somebody help me out please?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frederic Faure)
Subject: Re: How to create a bootable CD?
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 21:06:40 GMT

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 04:57:27 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod
Smith) wrote:
>Huh? If you don't have a CD burner, how'd you create the CD? I'm going
>to completely ignore the "As I don't have a CD burner" part of your
>message from here on.
Sorry about the shortcut :-) I meant that I do not have a CD burner at
home, was using the one at the office, and so am not very familiar
with burning CDs...

>Nothing. You don't want to burn this image file to disc on its own
>ISO-9660 filesystem. You want to tell the CD-R creation software that
>you're creating a CD-R from an image file. There should be an option
>somewhere to do that -- "create CD-R from image file," "burn ISO image
>to CD-R," or similar words. Point the software to the image file, and
>it should work. If you do this right, you **WILL NOT** get the option to
>set a filesystem type or specify a boot floppy image, because that stuff
>is already embedded in the file you've downloaded. With some programs,
>you should be able to double-click the file you downloaded and your CD-R
>software will launch with the correct options.
Er... The first Cd was made exactly this way with Adaptec EZ CD
Creator (not sure about the name), as explained in the demo on, but it wouldn't boot. To have a bootable CD, I
switched from Joliet to ISO9600 so as to enable the "Make bootable"
switch, and fed EZ CD Creator a Win98 boot floppy. it did fare better.

According to a private e-mail sent by someone, it seems like the
bootable floppy as to be the boot.img file that is located on the
RedHat CD. If correct, I'll give it a third try next week...

Thx much for the tip



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