Linux-Setup Digest #63, Volume #20               Sat, 18 Nov 00 12:13:06 EST

  Linux instalation ("Eugene Fetbroyt")
  Re: HELP: Dual OS: Win2000 and Redhat 7.0 (Timothy Murphy)
  Re: kernal can't find /sbin/init help ("Jerry Segers, Jr.")
  Re: Old School (Robert)
  Re: /tmp directory (Robert)
  Re: Install/Partition Table/Fdisk problems
  staroffice installation ("James")
  Re: Red Hat 7 Installation and Networking Trouble ("Vijay Culas")
  ALSA problem with Delta 44 soundcard (Holger Jenczewski)
  Re: Lilo Li... problem. ("Vijay Culas")
  3 questions, ETH0 (Linksys LNE100TX nic) & Gnome/sawfish fonts (Steve Norton)
  Re: NT/LINUX dual help! (Steve Norton)
  Installation problem of portable with only floppy and limited harddisk (Karel Venken)
  sblive "insmod joystick" problem: ("Mickey Stein")
  Re: Setting the system date (Chilly Willy)
  Re: Kernel Compile problem RH7.0 (pic)
  Re: Problems setting up TV-Card (Jan Oliver Koch)


From: "Eugene Fetbroyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux instalation
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 12:33:49 GMT

Hi everyone.

On my computer I have 2 hard drivers: first for windows and it contains
linux installation files, second is empty and I want install linux on it.
Is it possible create start up disk which load *.img from first HD.

If it is possible let me know

Many thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy Murphy)
Subject: Re: HELP: Dual OS: Win2000 and Redhat 7.0
Date: 18 Nov 2000 12:52:48 -0000


>1) Windows versions are notorious for wrecking the MBR. If they need to
>reinstall, upgrade or whatsoever, there's no way to tell the OS not to
>touch the MBR (perhaps with NT there is, I don't really know)

I've had exactly the opposite experience.
I was installing Windows-98 (Windows-NT would not work) yesterday
on a laptop with Linux on it yesterday,
and as far as I could see neither Windows-98 nor NT
would over-write my LILO-written MBR.
I had to delete the MBR (with "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda count=1")
before I could get either Windows Loader to install.

In other words, Microsoft seems very (too) careful about over-writing the MBR,
whereas Linux does not mind at all.

Nb I am not an expert,
and may have misunderstood something.

Timothy Murphy  
tel: 086-233 6090
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland


From: "Jerry Segers, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernal can't find /sbin/init help
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 07:47:01 +0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> You seem to have forgotten to compile ELF support into the kernel, so
> boot the backup kernel (...)
> Ta', Juergen
HA! that's it exactly, I made it (and initially ide support) as modules
THANK YOU! It works
<mad scientist voice>
</mad scientist voice>


From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Old School
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 13:07:11 GMT

What do you mean? every distro has a script based start-up. On some of
(like corel) it's hidden but watching the init processes is good for
(and learning). If your box has two processors check first if the distro
want supports it, or it'll be running only with one!

As i think, the most important goals of SuSE is the amount of packages
the amount of hardware drivers.

"Fireman (Nuclear Field) Gilt" wrote:
> I just got a new (old) computer; it looks like what they normally used
> in offices about 4-5 years ago, it's pretty nice. My question is would
> it be possible to install Linux on that bad boy. It has 2 processors; I
> don't know if that means anything or not... I've installed Linux on
> many-a-PC, but not a former windows NT machine.
> Also, what would be a good distribution? I wanted one with a lot of
> packages, and one that'd help me accomplish my main goal here: squeezing
> every penny out of "unlimited use." SuSE is pretty cool but I don't like
> the script-based startup. Slackware is probably my favorite, but I
> always have problems with the libraries. I'm kind of iffy about Redhat
> because........ it's gay-yyyyy......
> but I can change. Any advice would be appreciated,


From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: /tmp directory
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 13:07:12 GMT

When contemplating security, is always a good idea to mount /tmp, /home
and /var
in separate paritions.

-you get protection against DoS attacks by filling the filesystemms with
-you can mount some partitions as readonly or nosuid.
-some vulnerabilities require the creation of a hard-link to be

Patrick Schlaepfer wrote:
> Does Linux (Red Hat 6.2) create the /tmp directory
> into to / partition if no separte /tmp is created
> and mounted. Coming form Solaris the /tmp directory
> is the swap partition.
> As I ran out of diskspace on the / partition I
> assumed it could be that the /tmp is also on
> the / partiton.
> Shall I create a separte /tmp partition?
> What's this file on the /tmp
> -rw-------    1 web      web      213595136 Nov 10 14:07 sfsYe9KgU
> Can I just rm 'it or will the system be instable then.
> Cheers
> Pat


Subject: Re: Install/Partition Table/Fdisk problems
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 13:30:06 -0000

Hi! Al,
I got a lot of help from others. So at least I should contribute what ever 
I know for sure because I was there when I started linux.

I installed RedHat 6.1 for my learning process.  I did not pay much 
attention during installation whether it asked to install lilo or not.
But it messed up my old lilo. So it messed around MBR for sure.

If I were you, I would bring up window.
Using Partition magic,I will resize windows and create 2-.ext 
partitions,linux and swap and format ext2.  
Then I will install linux and tell it where to install.

Hope it will help you.

Jason B wrote:
> Ok I'm pretty sure for your last question that the dos command fdisk /mbr
> will let you funtion normally agian in dos. But you'll have to ask one of
> the more experienced people in here about your Linux woes.
>             Jason Bean
> A & G wrote:
> > I was setting up partitions for a new linux machine I was making, but
> > during the formatting stage of the RH 6.1 Install process, the system
> > hung.  Since then I haven't been able to reformat the drive or get rid
> > of the partition(s) which were created.  Instead every time I try to
> > install Linux and I get to the stage of indicating what kind of an
> > Install I want to do (gnome workstation, server, etc...), I get the
> > messge "an error occurred reading the partition table for the block
> > device hda: No such file or directory".
> >
> > I tried deleting the partitions using dos fdisk, but all it could do is
> > see the partitions, it wouldn't let me delete them.
> >
> > 1.   I'd like to try using a linux fdisk, but apparently my linux boot
> > floppy is dead - anyone know how/where I can get another?
> >
> > 2.   MORE IMPORTantly - does anyone know how I can wipeout my partition
> > table and create a nice new clean one from scratch so I can install
> > linux on my hd.  Currently I can install windows on this hd, but as far
> > as Linux goes, it just keeps reporting the same error above.  BTW the 
> > is a new 45gb, so I'm doubting that it's the source of the problems.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Al
> --

Posted via CNET


From: "James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: staroffice installation
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:37:38 +0100

I downloaded staroffice 5.2 from in 10 *.bin-files, but I can't
get staroffice installed. The installation manual assumes I'm installing
from cd and the howto on sun's internet site tells me to run the
so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-de-000.bin file, but when I try to do so I get the
message "cannot execute binary file". Typing "setup" starts a RedHat system
configuration tool instead of the installation program.
What can I do to install staroffice 5.2 as a server installation?

Thanks in advance,


From: "Vijay Culas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red Hat 7 Installation and Networking Trouble
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:01:45 GMT

try executing the following command:

    ifconfig eth0

it should return something like the following:

    eth0    Link    encap:Ethernet     HWaddr    01:12:32:34:54:24

plus some more lines

as long as it returns HWaddr line, it means the systems sees your ethernet


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:oJmR5.186$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hello all I just subscribed to the newsgroups after having attempted to
> install Red Hat 7 on an Intel based PC.  The trouble I am having is two
> fold.  I can't figure out if my ethernet card is being recognized as a
> device by the OS.  The card is a Netgear FA310.  When the installation
> prompted I chose to use DHCP.  I am using this because I have a Linksys
> Etherfast Cable/DSL Router.  This is so my girlfriend can use her
> Macintosh on our cable modem supported by Time Warner Road Runner.  Two
> other machines work with the Linksys correctly using DHCP.  I am new to
> Linux but would really like to move away from a Windows based environment.
>  Any help here would be great.  Thanks.


From: Holger Jenczewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ALSA problem with Delta 44 soundcard
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:57:18 +0100


I have a Midiman Delta 44 soundcard, where a main issue for buying this
one was the availability of a Linux driver (alsa 0.5.3, module
snd-card-ice1712). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get it to work, up to

- No problems with compiling/installing: alsa-drivers, alsa-libs, alsa-utils.
- modules.conf edited acc. to INSTALL file; everything seemed to work, all
modules loaded on startup by alsasound script (including snd-[mixer|pcm]-oss
for OSS/Free emulation).
- Card is recognized, 'cat /proc/asound/sndstat' shows one audio device
(duplex) and a multitrack mixer.
- Channels are unmuted (all on 100%), alsa utils (amixer/alsamixer) seem to

But all attempts to play sound fail - neither OSS-compatible progs (kmpg,
mpg123, wavplay, cat > /dev/audio) nor alsa-devices (aplay, cat > /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p) work. All I get are error messages, most of
them telling me "Invalid argument" when trying to access an audio device
(which had been configured by the snddevices script, of course).
KDE mixer kmix tells me "Your mixer does not control any devices" and
disappears - so much for OSS/Free emulation/compatibility.

Studying the alsa docs didn't help, either, so please help and tell me what's
going wrong here. I'd be grateful for the smallest hint.

TIA, Holger


From: "Vijay Culas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lilo Li... problem.
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:14:26 GMT

I had the exact same problem.  The problem is caused by the fact that your
IDE drive is seen as the first hard drive in your system but you actually
want to boot off your SCSI.

I am assuming that your BIOS will allow you to boot off the SCSI drive.
There are three things you may want to try:

Brute Force Method:

Disconnect the IDE connector to your harddrive and reinstall Linux. This
will make LILO load itself entirely on the MBR of the SCSI drive  (this is
what I did because was pissed off and didn't have the patience for option

Better Method:

With your IDE drive disconnected use your Linux rescue disk to boot up.  At
the prompt, type LILO to reinstall LILO.

Best Method:

Read the "LILO Howto"


"Thaddeus L Olczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've got a system with a SCSI hard drive. I just added a second drive
> this time IDE.
> After tweeking my NT install, I reboot to discover I get a kernel
> panic. OK no problem, I added the hard rive to get more space for
> linux so instead of fixing the problenm and then shuffling files
> between partitions I just reinstall linux ( Mandrake 7.1) from
> scratch.
> When I boot I see Li appear on the bottom then nothing.
> OK, I use System Commander which was overwritten by Linux.
> I reinstall System Commander. Use an emergency boot disk to boot
> into linux. Change the boot to /dev/sda9 in lilo.conf reinstall.
> When I boot, it prints LI then freeses ( PS hard drive 9 gigs,
> last 2 gigs are an NT partition, so that I'm within 8g).
> The only clue I get is that lilo prints a warning that /dev/sda9
> is not on the first disk.
> Any ideas?
> ----------------Lilo file------------------------------------
> boot=/dev/sda9
> map=/boot/map
> install=/boot/boot.b
> vga=normal
> default=linux
> keytable=/boot/us.klt
> lba32
> message=/boot/message
> prompt
> image=/boot/vmlinuz-smp
> label=linux
> root=/dev/sda11
> initrd=/boot/initrd-smp.img
> read-only
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
> label=linux-up
> root=/dev/sda11
> initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> read-only
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
> label=failsafe
> root=/dev/sda11
> initrd=/boot/initrd.img
> append=" failsafe"
> read-only


From: Steve Norton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: 3 questions, ETH0 (Linksys LNE100TX nic) & Gnome/sawfish fonts
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 15:15:05 GMT


I'm a linux newbie and I've got three questions...

1) I'm using Gnome with the Sawfish window manager on RH7. Where to I
set the font size/type for the font shown underneath icons on the
desktop and while browsing files on my drive?

2) Where do I set the text color and selected color for the text under
the icons on my desktop?

3) I have successfully gotten my LinkSys v4.0 LNE100TX network adapter
running under RH7. When I start the machine, I need to do the following
for it to work. Can anyone explain why, and how to make it automatic?
Some of these steps may be unecessary...
- insmod pci-scan.o
- insmod tulip.o
- depmod -a
- pump
... and now I have an IP address from my DHCP server and am online.

I'm assuming I need to copy the .o files into the
/lib/modules/2.2.14/net folder and add an "alias eth0 tulip" to my
modules.conf file... but I want to be sure I'm doing this right, not
just hacking it up.




From: Steve Norton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT/LINUX dual help!
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 15:24:02 GMT

Andrea Ferraro wrote:

> I've installed RedHat 7.0 Linux on my ThinkPad to use with Windows NT. I
> installed LILO in the first sector of my root partition so MBR is safe (for
> NT OS Loader).
> Then...
> 1) I boot my system
> 2) I get the NT OS Loader
> 3) I choose to start with NT
> 4) I get the following error message :
> That's wrong!!!
> Thanks.


run "dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1" inside linux. Copy the
resulting bootsect.lnx file to a floppy using "mcopy /bootsect.lnx a:". Now
restart in Windows (or a DOS boot disk) and copy that "bootsect.lnx" file to
the C:\ drive. Lastly, add "LINUX=C:\bootsect.lnx" to the BOOT.INI file and
you should be good to go.



From: Karel Venken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installation problem of portable with only floppy and limited harddisk
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 15:43:10 GMT

I want to install linux suse (6.2) on an older Portable (Compaq LTE
5380). This distribution is separated over multiple CDs and I do not
have the harddisk space to place the distribution on it.
When I try to install over the network via ftp, the installation  of the
packages is OK but then I get the error

No installable kernels were found. Please check the directory of the
installation medium.

However, I use the original Suse CDs

Then the distribution tries to make a boot disk which fails also while
it does not have a /boot/vmlinuz

Can i just copy it on this location? Where do I find it?
Do I need it if I start from DOS with loadlin?

How can I avoid this problem, in short, how do I have to setup the
directory structure on my ftp site?


Karel Venken
Nazarethdreef 4 - 2970 Schilde - Belgium


From: "Mickey Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sblive "insmod joystick" problem:
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 07:44:40 -0800

I know this has been discussed many times here (because I just went through
~70 msgs on deja) but I can't find the exact problem I'm having. Any help
would be appreciated:

It's a system I've had RH 6.2 and X4.0.1 and KDE2 working on for some time
but until yesterday I was using a TB Montego card along with a Matrox g400.
Then I switched to a GTS2 CLAP along with an old sblive value card and the
GTS2 was fairly easy to get working. The sblive required the latest CVS
source to be compliled and works well. I can do the following without error:

insmod emu10k1
insmod emu10k1-joy

and this gets the sound working nicely. According to the instructions, in
order to get the joystick fully functional, you need to also do a "insmod
joystick". This returns a module not found error. I'm using kernel 2.2.16-3
(which I need to use for other things) and suppose that for some reason I
don't have the joystick module. I've configured it in by rebuilding the
kernel and no errors but can't do that "insmod joystick".

Anyone have any ideas about the joystick module. Do I need to get that
somewhere other than either the CVS sblive source or the kernel source?




From: Chilly Willy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting the system date
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 09:06:25 -0600

I Just had to reply to this message from "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
who tried to throw this idea RTF over my head:

>JNN wrote:
>> I have a real newbie question I'm embarassed to ask, but I was
>> recently forced to switch to a dedicated server with Cobalt Linux
>> release 5.0 installed, so I'm having to learn this stuff as I go.
>> What's the exact command and format to change the system date?  I know
>> it's "date" followed by a certain format.  Any help is appreciated.
>> TIA.
> date -set="Sun Oct 29 07:07:00 CDT 2000"
>Or if you are running X you might try using "timetool" at a command line
>if it is installed.

Thank you!


Subject: Re: Kernel Compile problem RH7.0
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 11:11:22 -0500

Paul Kimoto wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> (Your message is dated "Fri, 17 Nov 2000 21:14:01 +0000", but that time has
> not happened yet!)
> >  I have installed RedHat 7.0 and am trying to recompile the kernel,
> > 2.2.16-22. I keep getting compile time errors:
> >
> > make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
> > cc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__  -traditional -c
> > checksum.S -o checksum.o
> > checksum.S:231: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> Red Hat 7.0 ships with the so-called, never-released "gcc-2.96".
> You cannot build kernels with this compiler.  The preferred compiler,
> egcs-1.1.2, comes in the "kgcc" package.
> --
> Paul Kimoto
> This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images,
> hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
> and may be a violation of international copyright law.

I have the same problem.
How do I practicaly solve this situation, what do I have to install/deinstall?




From: Jan Oliver Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems setting up TV-Card
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 17:34:38 +0100

Hi Charles,

thanks a lot for your long mail !

It was not confusing at all, but unfortunately all your good hints
didn't help. I compiled kwintv (0.8.4) from the sources, I recompiled my
and used the MAKEDEV to set up the video and radio devices again. 
I start to think that there might be a plug and play problem, as there
several PCI devices (among them the TV-card) on int 5. This shouldn't be
a problem
in itself but maybe thats the reason why the driver doesn't recognize
the device.

Well - I keep trying, if you have another idea, please let me know !!


"C. L. Lewis" wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> I have a Hauppage card that is sold under the brand of WinTVGO that
> sounds about like what you may have.
> I'm not familiar with SuSe so I amy not be able to help at all. My
> experience with it is all on COL and Redhat, but I've been able to get
> it to work with both, but have had problems with the early kernels and
> drivers for the video4linux.
> It works great with the 2.4-test10 kernel that I'm using currently.
> The main thing is to make sure you do actually have support either
> compiled into the kernel or as loadable modules. Next, I found that with
> the version 0.7.4 .rpm of the Kwintv application, I couldn't get channel
> change on the earlier kernel drivers, although I could get it with the
> with the xawtv aplications, but I didn't particularly like the
> interfaces of them. The source for kwintv-0.8.4 will build okay if you
> point it to an install of qt-1.44, and in my case, I had to make a small
> modification in the make file in the icons folder and straighten out the
> install path for the mini icons with my KDE.
> Bundled in with the source is a MAKEDEV script that sets up your devices
> for you.
> I don't have all the URLs handy right now as to where to get all the
> sources, etc. but you can just do a search on the www for the key word
> video4linux and it will take you to the project page and from ther you
> are pretty well pointed to most of the information you will need.
>  The cRadio-0.10, an FM tuner works welll with the card also to give you
> an FM radio interface.
> Hope I've been a little more helpful than confusing. I'm pretty lax
> about documenting all the stuff I try and most of the time rely on my
> short memory in stuff like this. ;-)
> Charles
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Jan Oliver Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have installed a Hauppauge TV-Card,
> --
> Laughter is the best laxative there is for a constipated mind. Humor is
> an ideal spoon to dose it.
>  --Chronocidal Charlie, 1995-2000, RIP--
> Sent via
> Before you buy.



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