Linux-Setup Digest #75, Volume #20               Mon, 20 Nov 00 03:13:05 EST

  Re: ssh error; connection refused (iksrazal)
  Re: fax server on linux for windows clients (Frank Miller)
  Upgrading rpm (B. Hearn)
  Netscape 6.0 and Realplayer ("Vijay Culas")
  Re: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server (Topaz Crow)
  Re: Triple boot with NT in second drive (BO)
  x windows prob (Sam)
  Failed dependencies -Why? (Robert Stia)
  Re: fax server on linux for windows clients (Jason)
  How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Diamond Stealth III S540 video drivers for RedHat 7.0 (nHs)
  Which Linux to try? (Jim Cleary)
  Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: Which Linux to try? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: "Out of scan range" error (Eric)
  no NE2000 card found at i/o=0xA0 (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: /dev/modem (David Hinds)
  Re: Install/Partition Table/Fdisk problems (Eric)
  Re: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server ("cm")


From: iksrazal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ssh error; connection refused
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:55:28 +0000

I got this answer on the ng :

I have two redhat machines networked. One of them I was able to
configure ssh with rpm. That machines client and server work fine. On
the other, I had to compile from source due to endless dependency
issues(no X, server install). The client works, but I get permission
denied errors when attempting login into it. I have sshd.pam in
/etc/pam.d .

>>>>> "root" == root  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    root> I have sshd.pam in /etc/pam.d .

The file must be named "/etc/pam.d/sshd", not "/etc/pam.d/sshd.pam".

>>>>> "iksrazal" == iksrazal  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    iksrazal> Thanks, that did it. The daemon and this file are two
    iksrazal> different animals, right?


Yavin wrote:

>     Anyone know where I can start looking why I can ssh to but if
> I ssh from outside of inside to my actual internet ip it says connection
> refused? Thanx
> --Scott


From: Frank Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fax server on linux for windows clients
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 04:10:51 GMT

James Knott wrote:
> Darren and Marla Welson wrote:
> >
> > I need a fax server package that I can run on my Linux firewall/server that
> > allows windows clients to access faxes and send faxes.  I looked at HylaFAX,
> > but it is a Linux server and requires an additional package for windows
> > clients to interact with it.  What has anyone used in the past to accomplish
> > this, or is this a nightmare?
> You might want to look into PMFax for Linux. As I recall,
> they have (had?) a network version.  The OS/2 version is
> excellent.  I downloaded the Linux version a few days ago.
> You can find them @
> --
> Replies sent via e-mail to this address will be promptly
> ignored.
> To reply, replace everything to the left of "@" with
> "james.knott".

Did you get PMFax lite to work?  I can't change the port.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B. Hearn)
Subject: Upgrading rpm
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 04:49:50 GMT

Hi Guys (et al)

I'm running SuSE 6.2. It's installation of rpm is 3.0.3
What I want to do is upgrade the Samba package, or any other).

The samba *.rpm was apparantly done with rpm (vers 4) hence
my rpm refuses / complains.

Trying to upgrade my RPM (by using rpm's vers.4 .rpm) likewise results
in whining and refusals.  I've been doing some reading on the subject
(redhat.linux.rpm and I've been to but the more I read the
less certain I am about which way to turn. Seems as though this change
is going to cause some widespread anguish?

Is there an easy way to solve my problem?
Help is greatly appreciated being a newbie -)


From: "Vijay Culas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape 6.0 and Realplayer
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 05:22:33 GMT

I have been using Realplayer with Netscape 4.75.  I recently downloaded
version 6.0 but cannot get Realplayer to work with it.  I have properly
installed Realplayer (the .so file is in Netscape 6.0 plugins directory,
etc).  However when I type "about:plugins", it doesn't show the realplayer
plug-in to be installed.   To see Real Audio content, I have to manually
type in the location of the Realplayer application everytime I click on the
real audio link.

Has anyone gotten Realplayer to work with Netscape 6.0?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Topaz Crow)
Subject: Re: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server
Date: 20 Nov 2000 05:23:05 GMT
Reply-To: alt.anonymous.messages;ATTN: Topaz Crow

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:30:08 -0000, Kyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm a Linux newbie and we recently got cable Internet access, and I bought 
>a Linksys Broadband Gateway. With the gateway came a disk 
>called "TurboLinux Server 6.0 Lite" I don't know what the lite means, but 
>it doesn't say anything when installing about lite. 
>Anyway, I rebuilt my computer and left about 2.5 GB un-partitioned for 
>Linux. Put the CD in rebooted, and started to install. I setup my Linux 
>partition, and swap file. TurboLinux took, and continued with the 
>installation. When it came to LILO setup I choose to put it in my master 
>boot record. Continued with setup, no errors, no crashes, nothing. 
>Restarted....booted to Windows. 
>So I went back and tried to re-install TurboLinux, this time I tried to 
>write it to a floppy, no errors, continued installation, left floppy in, 
>restarted, invalid system disk. Now I was confused I looked over 
>TurboLinux's website and didn't find anything.
>I did find some info on setting up LILO from linux.......but i can't get 
>in to linux.
>Please help me, I'm completely lost ... and have no clue what I'm doing 
>wrong or if this is a bug.

Does LILO come up when it boots?  If it does then press the tab key.  It
should give you choices.  It should be Dos and Linux.  Type linux to boot

If it don't say LILO on boot then something happened and it didn't get
installed.  You should be able to boot into your linux system with
the Turbolinux CD.  Some kind of rescue system maybe.  I'm not familiar
with Turbo.  But if you can do this then check out your /etc/lilo.conf
and then run "lilo".  Running lilo will write it to the boot sector.

Make sure your /etc/lilo.conf points to the correct partition for your
root "/" file system.  

If you can't get in with the CD then check out
This site has a very small linux system that fits on a floppy.  you
could use it to mount your linux partitions and fix lilo.

Topaz Crow -- No replies by email, sorry.
Reply to alt.anonymous.messages Subject: ATTN: Topaz Crow
PGP/GPG: DSS: 0xBADA36EA  RSA: 0x357245A1
Using SuSE 7.0 and Slackware 7.1 


Subject: Linux
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 05:30:06 -0000

I would like to know how to get my @home working with Netscape in Linux 
and how to set it up. It works fine in windoze, but would like to use 
@home in Linux. I am very new at Linux but like what I see, so any help 
would be great. Thanks Dan

Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: Triple boot with NT in second drive
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 05:30:06 -0000

Hi Rod,

If i have to follow your suggestion of having 1 primary partitions for 
each of the OS, how can i create primary parittions? should i use fdisk? 
please suggest. I have removed all the partitions and my HD is blank now.



Rod Smith wrote:
> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> BO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi Rod,
> > 
> > Thanks for the reply. I will give you the exact settings of my 
computer and 
> >  my findings. Please suggest...
> > 
> > First when i erased everything and started from a clear disk, this is 
> > it looked:
> > 
> > c: 1    A    PRI DOS      500M FAT16
> >    2         EXT DOS      10G
> > Logica drives:
> > D:  4G  -Not formatted-
> > E:  6G  FAT32
> > 
> > Then WIN98 was loaded to E: and it worked fine. While installing Win98 
> > when it asked where to create \WINDOWS directory, i said E: I nad no 
> > problem in booting to windows at that time. From windows file manager 
i can 
> > see all drives
> OK. First, Windows has installed part of itself on C:, but put the
> WINDOWS directory on the 6GB partition. It therefore needs BOTH
> partitions to boot, and they have to keep their drive letters (C: and
> E:).
> > A: floppy
> > C: fat16 
> > D: Cannot access from windows 'cause not formatted.
> Yes, but it's visible. This is important.
> > E: fat32 (where windows resides)
> > F: CDROM
> > 
> > Then NT4 was installed using 3 floppys and ATAPI.SYS disk. When asked 
> > select to partition to install NT, the selection screen looked 
> > similar to this;
> > 
> > C: FAT16
> > D: FAT32 (it showed as FAT32 even though it was not parittioned)
> > E: FAT32
> > 
> > I selected D:. But it rejected saying it could not recognise the drive 
> > becaue it was unknown format or something like that and asked me to 
> > that partition and make it 'unpartitioned' and re-asign as NTFS. I 
> > then i formatted it as NTFS not FAT16. then NT installed fine.
> Again, NT has installed part of itself to C:, and part to D:. This fact
> isn't critical to understanding your problem, but it is critical to
> understanding that it's a potential source of future problems, should
> drive letters change or either partition become corrupted.
> > But when i 
> > selected Windows to boot, it gives me the splash screen and then says 
> > 'WIN.COM not found. Cound not continue loading windows' and goes back 
> > DOS screen. And surprisingly, from here E: drive does not exist but E: 
> > been re-asigned as D: and has the Windows directory. 
> That's the problem. The code on C: expects to find the WINDOWS directory
> on E:, but it's now on D:, because with the conversion of the former D:
> to NTFS, Windows doesn't try to assign it a drive letter. The former E:
> is now D:, and the boot process can't complete.
> > C: has the, autoexec.bat, config.sys. All these files is 
> > pointing to E: but E: does not exist now from windoes point of view.
> > 
> > When iam in NT, i can see all the Drives again.
> > A: floppy
> > C; FAT16
> > D: NTFS
> > E: (cannot access) FAT32
> > F: CDROM
> > 
> > 
> > Now what i feel is, if i would have installed Win98 in D: and NT in 
> > instead of the other way in which i did, i might be able to boot to 
> > because D: will still exist from i boot to windows. Do you think the 
> > way? 
> Yes, that would have worked. It also would have worked if you'd
> installed WinNT first. You could try fiddling with the files in C: to
> change references from E: to D:, but I don't know whether there are
> references in binary files that you'd have to change, so I can't
> guarantee you'll have any luck. It may be simpler to just re-install
> Windows 98, which should work OK at this point, with one possible
> caveat: I don't know what it'll do to your NT OS loader. It's
> conceivable that re-installing Win98 will wipe out NT.
> If I were designing such a setup from scratch, this is what I'd do:
>   --  primary  ext2    Linux /boot   10-20MB
>   C:  primary  NTFS    WinNT         200MB or up
>   C:  primary  FAT-32  Win98         200MB or up
>   D:  logical  FAT-16  Shared Data   100MB-2GB
> You could then add more logical partitions for Linux. Putting NT and 98
> on separate PRIMARY partitions ensures that they'll each be on C:, from
> their points of view. They'll be less likely to cause problems for each
> other. The primary Linux /boot partition is only there to ensure there
> aren't problems with the Linux kernel falling over the 1024-cylinder
> mark if you're using an old BIOS and/or an old version of LILO (some
> distributions still use older LILOs). You can use any of several
> different boot loaders (LILO, NT's OS Loader, System Commander, etc.) to
> select which OS to boot.
> Whether you want to completely re-do things or patch up what you've got
> is entirely up to you, of course.
> -- 
> Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration

Posted via CNET


Subject: x windows prob
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:45:50 +1300

Can some one explain why when I do the same installation of Red Hat 6.2
on the same computer that I get a Dos logon and  X windows other
times.....What am doing wrong in the installation process.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Stia)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Failed dependencies -Why?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 06:01:24 GMT

Hello to all

Hope somebody can explain this to me.

I am trying to install gtk+-1.2.8   The install of that file requires
the installation of glib-1.2.8 before gtk+ will install. I did that,
installing glib in /usr/local/lib    When I try to rpm the gtk+ file I
get a "failed dependencies - gtk+-1.2.8-0_helix_1_i386.rpm requires
glib >= 1.2.8"  This isn't a different file is it?

glib-1.2.8 was a tarball, gtk+ is an rpm. That shouldn't make any
diference, right? I also tried installing glib in different places and
then removing it thinking that the rpm had to find it in a special
place. That did not work.  According to the glib Install sheet all of
the necessary items are in place?  Why can't the gtk+rpm find it?


Subject: Re: fax server on linux for windows clients
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 23:52:01 -0600

I use hylafax at work. we fax from HPUX and windows clients via an SMB 
printer.  Worked like a charm for almost 3 years now.  I dont think I've 
rebooted the sucker yet.  Did toast a modem, but its setup on a 4 modem 
pool so it wasnt a big deal.

...and the geek shall inherit the earth...


Subject: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 05:50:34 GMT

Hi. I'd like to install Red Hat 6.2 and SuSE Pro 7.0 on a 30 GB hard
drive. How do I set up a dual-booting system? All the articles I've
read so far assume I'm dual-booting between DOS/Windows and Linux. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Please include as much detail as




Subject: Diamond Stealth III S540 video drivers for RedHat 7.0
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 06:26:07 GMT

Can anyone help me with drivers or on how I can get RedHat 7.0 to work
with Diamond Stealth III S540 video card?


From: Jim Cleary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Which Linux to try?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 17:50:21 +1100

I am planning to try out Linux and have a partition available to install
it into.
I have copies of              Corel Linux
                                       Red Hat 6.2
                            and      Caldera Open Linux 1.3.
I would welcome suggestions of which of these three would be the best to
go for.  I have a fair amount of computer experience but none with Linux
[or Unix].

Thanks for any help.


Mr. Jim Cleary, Physics Department, University of Newcastle, N. S. W.
2308, Australia.


From: Stanislaw Flatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How can I dual-boot between Red Hat and SuSE distributions?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:31:37 +1100


> Hi. I'd like to install Red Hat 6.2 and SuSE Pro 7.0 on a 30 GB hard
> drive. How do I set up a dual-booting system? All the articles I've
> read so far assume I'm dual-booting between DOS/Windows and Linux. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated. Please include as much detail as
> possible.
> Thanks
> Zed

You will end with about 75% of duplicate programms but never mind.
>From start decide which is your primary distro. Install it on part of the
hard disk and install its lilo in mbr.
(Very good advice follows: MAKE RESCUE DISKETTE)
Then alocate space (partition) for the other distro, go for installation
and install it's lilo on partition. (heed advice above)
Now you have liloA and liloB each one knowing how to activate the
distribution it came with.
But only liloA is in mbr.
So in /etc/lilo.conf of liloA you add a stanca calling liloB:
other = /dev/hdxx       #xx the partition where distro B is installed
  label= otherdistro      # whatever name you want
  unsafe                       # this tells lilo not to make any comments
but do it.

Rerun lilo.
Now liloA lets you chose from its menu, when you chose otherdistro it
calls liloB and this one activates its distro.
It is nice to add to each lilo a message telling you who is doing what,
actually liloB can be without waiting period
as it has to do the choice which was chosen in liloA.
And "man lilo" and "man lilo.conf"
Have fun.

Slak user from Ulladulla.


From: Stanislaw Flatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Which Linux to try?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 18:40:26 +1100

Hi Jim!
The one that your neighbour in class uses, till the time you feel
in this enviroment and then try them all.

Slak user from Ulladulla.

N.B. navigate to aus.computers.linux, we are there.

Jim Cleary wrote:

> I am planning to try out Linux and have a partition available to install
> it into.
> I have copies of              Corel Linux
>                                        Red Hat 6.2
>                             and      Caldera Open Linux 1.3.
> I would welcome suggestions of which of these three would be the best to
> go for.  I have a fair amount of computer experience but none with Linux
> [or Unix].
> Thanks for any help.
> Jim.
> --
> Mr. Jim Cleary, Physics Department, University of Newcastle, N. S. W.
> 2308, Australia.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: "Out of scan range" error
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 08:43:42 +0100

abinitio wrote:
> Everytime I start the X server, the monitor goes blank and I get a
> "out of scan range" error. But this does NOT happen when I logged is as
> root.
> Somebody has a clue ... ?
> Distribution : Redhat 6.2
> Monitor : Sony Multiscan CPD-200ES
> video-Card: Evilqueen Voodoo Banshee
> Thanks in advance
> abinitio

You're pushing your monitor over the edge. It cannot handle the scanning
frequeny your videocard is using. The limits are set in
/etc/X11/XF86Config. Take a look in that file and adjust to the correct



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: no NE2000 card found at i/o=0xA0
Date: 20 Nov 2000 07:31:16 GMT

I'm trying to setup a NE2000  compatible PNP ISA ethernet card.  The box says it is a:

        Addtron AE-200PNP-c Ethernet 16-bit adapter ISA combo card

Within Win98, it lists it as being a 

        Realtek RTL8019 PnP LAN adapter or compatible

and lists it as using the resources:

        IRQ: 12
        I/O: 02A0h-02BFh

I'm running Redhat7.0 and it has the ISA NE2000 listed as 'module'. In the
/etc/modules.conf file (which was renamed from /etc/conf.modules):

        alias eth0 ne
        options ne io=0x2A0, irq=12

When I try and start the network services by typing 

        /etc/rc.d/init.d/network reload 
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart 

I get the following:

        ne.c: No NE*000 card found at i/o = 02xA0
        Setting network parameters:      [OK]
        Bringing up interface lo:        [OK]
        Bringing up interface eth0:  ne.c: No NE*000 card found at i/o = 0x280        
        Delaying eth0 initialization. 

I haven't done anything within Linux to set the irq and i/o because I thought that
it was already set within Win98 and was OS independent.  Is this wrong?  
If not, any other ideas what I need to do to fix this?  

I also can't get the network card working in Win98, so it is possible that it is 
the card itself, although the lights on the back are lighting up. 



From: David Hinds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: /dev/modem
Date: 20 Nov 2000 07:57:17 GMT

In comp.os.linux.portable Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I've been trying to get the symlink to point to /dev/ttyS5 instead of
: ttyS3, but whenever I restart the machine it's back to ttyS3 again!

The PCMCIA configuration script for modems will point it to your
PCMCIA modem if you have one inserted.  If you don't want that, then
edit /etc/pcmcia/serial.opts and change the link to whatever else you

It isn't really part of the boot process, except for the fact that
this may be the time that cardmgr first sees your card.  It will
happen whenever you plug your modem card in.

-- Dave


Subject: Re: Install/Partition Table/Fdisk problems
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 09:01:38 +0100

A & G wrote:
> I was setting up partitions for a new linux machine I was making, but
> during the formatting stage of the RH 6.1 Install process, the system
> hung.  Since then I haven't been able to reformat the drive or get rid
> of the partition(s) which were created.  Instead every time I try to
> install Linux and I get to the stage of indicating what kind of an
> Install I want to do (gnome workstation, server, etc...), I get the
> messge "an error occurred reading the partition table for the block
> device hda: No such file or directory".
> I tried deleting the partitions using dos fdisk, but all it could do is
> see the partitions, it wouldn't let me delete them.

DOS' fdisk cannot handle linux partitions.

> 1.   I'd like to try using a linux fdisk, but apparently my linux boot
> floppy is dead - anyone know how/where I can get another?

Boot from CDROM and when the lilo prompt appears, enter "rescue"

Oh, and the problem with your disc is probably the size (Not sure about
this), try a newer distro, that will probably install without a problem 



From: "cm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:03:37 -0600

Hi, I had the exact same problem...and I even got the Turbo cd from the same
place, I guess.  I really love that router/firewall--great piece of
hardware.  Anyway, that also solves my question of where the heck that cd
came from.  But back to the topic...  The same thing happened to me, and as
best as I can tell, you can't access your linux installation without some
heavy hacking from the cd boot.  My solution was a hard disk intall, that
is, copy the Turbolinux/base & TL/RPMS folder to your harddrive, you can
access them through the installer but if they're on an ext2 partition, be
careful not to format it during installation.  BTW, I did use the bootdisk
mentioned previously off of (tom's rootboot).  It was a helpful
little disk, and it would not have been a problem to adjust the lilo.conf
file by hand, at that point by mounting the linux partitions....etc...
Good Luck

"Kyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm a Linux newbie and we recently got cable Internet access, and I bought
> a Linksys Broadband Gateway. With the gateway came a disk
> called "TurboLinux Server 6.0 Lite" I don't know what the lite means, but
> it doesn't say anything when installing about lite.
> Anyway, I rebuilt my computer and left about 2.5 GB un-partitioned for
> Linux. Put the CD in rebooted, and started to install. I setup my Linux
> partition, and swap file. TurboLinux took, and continued with the
> installation. When it came to LILO setup I choose to put it in my master
> boot record. Continued with setup, no errors, no crashes, nothing.
> Restarted....booted to Windows.
> So I went back and tried to re-install TurboLinux, this time I tried to
> write it to a floppy, no errors, continued installation, left floppy in,
> restarted, invalid system disk. Now I was confused I looked over
> TurboLinux's website and didn't find anything.
> I did find some info on setting up LILO from linux.......but i can't get
> in to linux.
> Please help me, I'm completely lost ... and have no clue what I'm doing
> wrong or if this is a bug.
> --
> Posted via CNET



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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