Linux-Setup Digest #75, Volume #21               Thu, 19 Apr 01 19:13:15 EDT

  Re: Linux clients can't ftp through linksys router (Craig Kelley)
  Re: RedHat 7.1 installation problem ("Troy Jesse")
  compaq isdn isa, conflict with resources, irq, io (Rejo Zenger)
  FTP problem with RH 6.2, 7.0 (bill)
  problem getting at /dev/dsp (Joeri Sebrechts)
  DHCP and Road Runner blues (grooveman)
  Re: could not open default font 'fixed' (Steven Conway)
  Re: RedHat 7.1 ISO? (Vivien H Heaven)
  Re: Linux and Windows 2000 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Lilo Question (Andy Collinson)
  Re: root login notify (Steven Conway)
  Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues ("Brian Schwarz")
  Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues ("W Knight")


From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux clients can't ftp through linksys router
Date: 19 Apr 2001 15:35:18 -0600

God_Of_Pain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have been tring all the sugestions I can find in the news groups, no luck.
> Windoze clinets have no problem ftp'ing throught the linksys router, Linux 
> clients have no sucess ftp'ing through it.
> My equipment...
> 3com ADSL Modem -> Linksys BEFSR41 router -> Red Hat 7.0 server.
> I have tried the using DMZ and no DMZ with port forwarding.
> Many news postings say to use PASV mode, so on the linux clinets I have 
> tried ftp -p and pftp both did not work.
> I found one news posting that said to move my Linksys BEFSR41 router to Red 
> Hat 7.0 server cable from a switch to the router. It was...
> Linksys BEFSR41 router -> 3com switch -> Red Hat 7.0 server.
> now it is directly...
> Linksys BEFSR41 router -> Red Hat 7.0 server
> had no effect.
> I found one news posting telling me to download logviewer from linksys and 
> read the logs, I searched the linksys site and could not find such a thing.
> What now? Has anyone got a Linksys router like this to work with Linux ftp 
> clinets?

Does `ipchains -L input` report any firewall rules that we're not

It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX videoboard
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "Troy Jesse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 7.1 installation problem
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:45:37 -0500

I have 2 CDROMS, one is hdc, the other hdd, and my install worked fine.

Troy Jesse
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Food Science
Biotechnology and Bioengineering Group
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Steve Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> KW wrote:
> >
> > I think the CD-ROM HAS to be on the primary IDE channel with the HDD.
> > You may want to check that.   If it is connected to a soundcard you are
> > probably SOL.
> Excuse me... are you saying that one's CDROM drive *must* be on
> the primary IDE controller, and can't be /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd
> for the Red Hat 7.1 installation to work?
> Please tell me I misunderstood.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rejo Zenger)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: compaq isdn isa, conflict with resources, irq, io
Date: 19 Apr 2001 16:57:53 GMT


I have this Compaq ISA ISDN card which I can't get running. I guess the
card ran under Windows (i.c. with Teles 16.3 driver) with IRQ 3 and IO
addresses 2280-22BF, 2580-259F and 21A0-21A0. It identificates as
"Compaq ISDN S0 ISA Card".

With pnpdump I get these configurations:

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2000) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2100) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x2180) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2000) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2100) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x2180) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2180) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2480) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x2090) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E))

  (IO 0 (SIZE 64) (BASE 0x2280) (CHECK))
  (IO 1 (SIZE 32) (BASE 0x2580) (CHECK))
  (IO 2 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x21a0) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))

All of these give the same problems:

  firewall:~# isapnp isapnp.config
  Board 1 has Identity c0 00 00 00 01 02 10 11 0e:  CPQ1002 Serial No 1 \
        [checksum c0]
  isapnp.config:119 -- Fatal - resource conflict allocating 64 bytes of \
        IO at 2280 (see isapnp.config)
  isapnp.config:119 -- Fatal - IO range check attempted while device \
  isapnp.config:119 -- Fatal - Error occurred executing request \
        '<IORESCHECK> ' --- further action aborted

I understand this as a IO conflict, right?

  firewall:~# cat /proc/ioports
  0000-001f : dma1
  0020-003f : pic1
  0040-005f : timer
  0060-006f : keyboard
  0070-007f : rtc
  0080-008f : dma page reg
  00a0-00bf : pic2
  00c0-00df : dma2
  00f0-00ff : fpu
  0170-0177 : ide1
  01f0-01f7 : ide0
  0300-030f : eth0
  0376-0376 : ide1
  03c0-03df : vga+
  03f6-03f6 : ide0
  fcf0-fcf7 : ide0
  fcf8-fcff : ide1

So, what can I do best about this?


# <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (pgp: see headers) 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bill)
Subject: FTP problem with RH 6.2, 7.0
Date: 19 Apr 2001 20:52:57 GMT


forgive the "newbie-ish" of this question.

After upgrading our bandwidth, we decided to try and hop into the 20th (yes 
20th) century by implementing our FTP server so clients and partners can 
ftp directly to us, rather than sneakernet.

RedHat install went fine, both on 6.2 and 7.0

user accounts were created...

there is a problem once connected to the ftp server. it's the ftp server 
included with RedHat wuftpd

users can connect to port 21, but it takes a LONG time to finally log into 
their home directory. By long, I mean up to two minutes on occasion.

when I log onto other FTP sites, the most I'm seeing is about 10-15 seconds 
top before the system lets me in.

this happens to all accounts, 

thinking it was a latency problem, or packet loss, I attempted to log in 
and ftp from within our lan, same problems on a little-used 100meg lan.

traceroutes and pings to our machines also show no packet loss or latency.

once in, also changing directories causes some major lag time in response.

I adjusted the nice level to -10, no discernable difference.

I'm assuming that there is a setting somewhere that might need to be 

Since I'm somewhat of a newbie, let me know what other information I can 
provide to the group, so that a more reliable diagnosis can be made.
BTW, maybe also where to find the info, newbie, remember! 

thank you very much



From: Joeri Sebrechts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem getting at /dev/dsp
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 21:54:38 GMT


I'm trying to get mpg123 to play as a regular user in debian 2.2
/dev/dsp is in group audio, that I know. And it has the r and w bits of
the group field set, so anyone in the audio group should be able to read
from and write to it. I've done "adduser username audio", which
correctly added me to the group (I've verified). And yet it still won't
run as a regular user.
If I run as root, no problem. If I chmod o+w /dev/dsp, then there's no
problem either. It's only if I try to access what I should be able to
access that there's a problem.
Even an echo "test" > /dev/dsp doesn't work.

Does anyone know how this could even be ? Because I'm stumped.

Thank you,
Joeri Sebrechts


From: grooveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DHCP and Road Runner blues
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 22:04:27 GMT


I am running Redhat 6.2, and I am tying to use it with Mediaone (Now
ATT) Road Runner service in the Detroit Metro area.

My problem is that my machine would not lease from the DHCP server.  Of
course, the customer support was useless in this issue:  "we don't
support Line-ucks".

I have researched this thoroughly, and have seen many people with the
same or similar issue, but every single one failed to document clearly
how they overcame this problem (if they did at all).

I dropped pump all together.  I have the version that comes stock with
RH 6.2. (0.7.8-1).   I downloaded the latest version of DHCPCD version
1.3.20-p10.  I have gotten that to work -- but it only works about 10
percent of the time.  90% of the time (or so) it fails.  The README for
this utility is not helpful at all.  The howto I found was even worse.
When modifying the script of ifup an ifdown, it not only had the script
wrong, but it said to remove an "if" statement without touching the fi.
I am no scripting whiz, but I know you can't break conditionals like
that without trashing the script.

I modified ifup and ifdown, basically by replacing the pump commands
with their dhcpcd equivalents.  Then, I wrote a script that loops the
ifup until it gets a lease.  I put the script at the end of rc.local,
rather than having eth0 come up at init level 3.  The net result is that
it runs through everything fine, and at the very last stage, tries to
bring up eth0 until it is successful.  It take about 10 times plus or


What can I do to get this to work?

I really appreciate any help I can get.




From: Steven Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: could not open default font 'fixed'
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:06:39 -0500

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:37:51 -0500, "Jeff Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have had this error happen to me .. the /tmp directory had improper
permissions on so check that.

Steven Conway

>I installed Mandrake 7.2 and have a RIVA TNT2 chipset.  However, when X
>attempts to start I get the following error message...
>Could not init font path element UNIX/:-1, removing from list
>Could not open default font 'fixed'
>I then get booted out of X.
>Any thoughts?  I thought it might be the display driver or the monitor
>settings however I have those set, and have even tried generic equivalents.


From: Vivien H Heaven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 7.1 ISO?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:59:25 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Try "" /

Scott Peshak wrote:
> Can anyone point me to where i can download a RedHat 7.1 update disk
> ISO?  the redhat site is very busy at the moment and i can't login to
> it.  I have tried many of the listed redhat mirrors
> ( but none that i have tried have 7.1 yet.
> Thanks,
> Scott Peshak
> Life would be easier if we could look at the source code.
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Vivien H Heaven
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:Performance/Capacity Testing
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adr;quoted-printable:;;1960 Lucent Lane=0D=0AIH9E-509;Naperville;IL;60566-7033;
fn:Vivien Heaven



Subject: Re: Linux and Windows 2000
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:09:59 -0500

I have found a great way to avoid this whole problem, at least for
Win9x.  I just put linux on my first HD, and windows on the second.
Then have lilo boot the second drive.  the windows drive doesn't even
know anything weird is going on.  Of course, this may not actually work
for w2k...

barbey dot jose at uwlax dot edu

Mark Wagnon wrote:

> Just an update to help others in the same situation.
> Apparently the instructions that I had posted from an earlier
> search weren't entirely correct. I was unable to accomplish my
> goal. Turning to another search, I discovered this site:
> which details the whole procedure, and fixes the problem with the
> first 'dd' command I posted earlier. In minutes, I had a perfectly
> functioning system dual booting Linux with Win2k.
> Here are the steps that I used, borrowed from the author's page
> (and reformatted, because something bad happened during the copy
> and paste):
>   1. From Linux, copy the Linux boot sector from /boot to a file
>      usingt he dd command. In the below, replace /dev/hda3 with
>      your boot partition's location
>      # dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
>   2. Copy bootsect.lnx onto a floppy disk.
>      If  mcopy is available, this is easy:
>      # mcopy /bootsect.lnx a:
>      If mcopy is not available (e.g. a minimal install of Linux)
>      you'll need to mount the floppy drive and then copy:
>      # mount /dev/fd0 /mnt
>      # cp /bootsect.lnx /mnt
>      # umount /mnt
>   3. Boot W2K, log in as Administrator and copy
>      bootsect.lnx from your floppy disk onto the root of your C:
>      drive
>   4. Edit C:\BOOT.INI and add the following line at the
>      end:C:\BOOTSECT.LNX="Linux"
> Make sure you double check your partitions that your working with.
> I'd check the website for more instruction before taking my word on
> it though. I emailed the resulting file from step one to myself
> instead of using a floppy because I didn't have one.
> Good Luck to all!
> --
>  ©¿©¬ Mark Wagnon
>  To respond to me directly, use the above address
>  Don't forget to remove PleaseDon'tSpamMe


From: Andy Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lilo Question
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 23:31:23 +0100

Currently I am dual booting from lilo 21,6 installed on a floppy. My only 
hard disk is on a highpoint 370 RAID controller, IDE3 and recognised as 
dev/hde by Linux. I am using SUsE 7.1 and whenever I try to configure lilo 
get the message "only hda and sda allowed". Is there a way round this 
problem, I note that lilo 21.7 is available. Motherboard is Abit 6BEII rev 
2 and HD IBM deskstar 30.7G ATA100. Thanks in advance.


From: Steven Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: root login notify
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:38:04 -0500

Sure do it's called /var/log/messages :)

On 19 Apr 2001 18:32:47 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>does anyone know of a bit of software that will send me a message everytime a user 
>logs onto my machine ?


From: "Brian Schwarz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 15:40:00 -0700

You might try using Coyote-Linux.

It creates a boot floppy that theoretically deals with this issue.  Haven't
tried it myself, because my cable modem uses "plain vanilla" DHCP with
reservations based on host name, but might be worth a look.  I seem to
remember that the install script prompts you for "road runner login support"
or something similar.

Best wishes,

Brian Schwarz

The opinions expressed here are my own, and
do not reflect those of any of my employers,
past, present, or future

"grooveman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello.
> I am running Redhat 6.2, and I am tying to use it with Mediaone (Now
> ATT) Road Runner service in the Detroit Metro area.
> My problem is that my machine would not lease from the DHCP server.  Of
> course, the customer support was useless in this issue:  "we don't
> support Line-ucks".
> I have researched this thoroughly, and have seen many people with the
> same or similar issue, but every single one failed to document clearly
> how they overcame this problem (if they did at all).
> I dropped pump all together.  I have the version that comes stock with
> RH 6.2. (0.7.8-1).   I downloaded the latest version of DHCPCD version
> 1.3.20-p10.  I have gotten that to work -- but it only works about 10
> percent of the time.  90% of the time (or so) it fails.  The README for
> this utility is not helpful at all.  The howto I found was even worse.
> When modifying the script of ifup an ifdown, it not only had the script
> wrong, but it said to remove an "if" statement without touching the fi.
> I am no scripting whiz, but I know you can't break conditionals like
> that without trashing the script.
> I modified ifup and ifdown, basically by replacing the pump commands
> with their dhcpcd equivalents.  Then, I wrote a script that loops the
> ifup until it gets a lease.  I put the script at the end of rc.local,
> rather than having eth0 come up at init level 3.  The net result is that
> it runs through everything fine, and at the very last stage, tries to
> bring up eth0 until it is successful.  It take about 10 times plus or
> minus.
> (SIGH........)
> What can I do to get this to work?
> I really appreciate any help I can get.
> Thanks!
> Chris


From: "W Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DHCP and Road Runner blues
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 22:47:02 GMT


I had alot of problems getting my Optimum Online (comparable to RR)
cablemodem service up and running under linux.  They key for me, was to
power the modem down for >30 minutes before trying to lease an ip with
linux.  After rebooting w/ the powered up modem, it would re-read the mac
addy off the nic in the linux box and everythign would be fine.  Then you
dont have to power down the modem again unless you switch the modem over to
another nic for some reason.

Basically, you have to powerdown the modem long enough for it to forget the
mac address of the nic for it to work.

Hope this helps.


grooveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello.
> I am running Redhat 6.2, and I am tying to use it with Mediaone (Now
> ATT) Road Runner service in the Detroit Metro area.
> My problem is that my machine would not lease from the DHCP server.  Of
> course, the customer support was useless in this issue:  "we don't
> support Line-ucks".
> I have researched this thoroughly, and have seen many people with the
> same or similar issue, but every single one failed to document clearly
> how they overcame this problem (if they did at all).
> I dropped pump all together.  I have the version that comes stock with
> RH 6.2. (0.7.8-1).   I downloaded the latest version of DHCPCD version
> 1.3.20-p10.  I have gotten that to work -- but it only works about 10
> percent of the time.  90% of the time (or so) it fails.  The README for
> this utility is not helpful at all.  The howto I found was even worse.
> When modifying the script of ifup an ifdown, it not only had the script
> wrong, but it said to remove an "if" statement without touching the fi.
> I am no scripting whiz, but I know you can't break conditionals like
> that without trashing the script.
> I modified ifup and ifdown, basically by replacing the pump commands
> with their dhcpcd equivalents.  Then, I wrote a script that loops the
> ifup until it gets a lease.  I put the script at the end of rc.local,
> rather than having eth0 come up at init level 3.  The net result is that
> it runs through everything fine, and at the very last stage, tries to
> bring up eth0 until it is successful.  It take about 10 times plus or
> minus.
> (SIGH........)
> What can I do to get this to work?
> I really appreciate any help I can get.
> Thanks!
> Chris



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