Linux-Setup Digest #18, Volume #21                Mon, 9 Apr 01 15:13:12 EDT

  Re: A little confused about services (a few more questions) (The Happy Drunk)
  Re: Linux  on Intel Or Celeron? what is the best choice? ("yalu")
  Re: Mounting vfat rw for all users (Daniel Kowalewski)
  Re: fdisk problem (Renato Bautista)
  Re: A little confused about services (a few more questions) (H.Bruijn)
  Linux Mandrake 6.0 problem (Marie Vincent)
  Re: fdisk problem ("Joe (mvjap3) Philbrook III")
  cdrom does not mount. ("Kenny@BUI")
  Re: Help with Dual Boot Win98 and Mandrake 8.0b3 on A7V (mookie)
  Trouble with X...Redhat 7.0 ("Greg Crutcher")
  removing Linux presence from MBR ("David Miller")
  new kernel build works in one computer but not another (J Chung)
  Re: removing Linux presence from MBR (J Chung)
  Virtual hosting questions (God_Of_Pain)
  Re: Squid&RH 7.0 (Theng Ung)
  Re: removing Linux presence from MBR (tech2kjason)
  Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Virtual hosting questions (John Beardmore)
  Re: cdrom does not mount. ("D F")
  what are the diff of 3 labels in lilo.conf of red hat linux 7 ("XIP")
  Firestarter firewall experiences? ("H.A.J. van Niekerk")
  Re: Two frustrating Samba problems... (Massimo Cereda)
  Any RPM OS checking when install or upgrade package on Red Hat linux? ("XIP")


From: The Happy Drunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A little confused about services (a few more questions)
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:12:49 +1000

>The ports are specified in /etc/services
>port 111 is portmapper. It is used to access services which don't listen
>to a reserved port. An example would be NFS, Network File-System, the
>method in the linux/unix world to share parts of hardrives over the
>network, which you can compare to windows "network shares" and the
>Network Neighbourhood. Most people can quite well do without portmapper.
>515 is the printer spool. If you configure the printer to accept print
>requests from the network, then it should be activated.
>1027 is not a reserved port, it may be one assigned via portmapper.

OK I've managed to close the services. The ones I had trouble with I
used /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf and commented them out .....
everything still seems to work. I did a full port scan and found ports
1024, 1032, and 6000 (X11) still open.

for a linux (RH 6.2) box that is only connected to one other machine
is X11 needed or can I close this port?
I do intend to connect it to the internet soonish.

I can't find any references to ports 1024 or 1032. Is there any way of
determining what is using them?

Thanks again

The Happy Drunk

The voices in my head have had a vote.
Apparently I'm evicted. 


From: "yalu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: be.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux  on Intel Or Celeron? what is the best choice?
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 17:14:34 +0200

Op Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:59:50 +0200 pompte "Jeroen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dit
door de draad:

> I would either put in a Pentium or a Celeron if it were for server
> usage. AMD produces to much heat and uses to much power. And that makes
> a difference if you are going to let it stay on 24/7 .

Ah? How much is that difference?

Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null --
und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.
Albert Einstein


From: Daniel Kowalewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting vfat rw for all users
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 11:14:15 -0400

Daniel Kowalewski wrote:

> How do I mount a vfat partition (/dev/hda5) so that users can read write 
> to them without having them to remount them on startup?  The way it is 
> now, only root can read and write to them but if I log in with a user 
> they can only read them.  However since I have the users option, I can 
> unmount the partition and remount it. Then the user can write to it. The 
> layout is     hda1 swap
>         hda2 ext2
>         hda3 vfat
>         hda4 (the weird dos thing)
>         hda5 vfat
> options in fstab for hda5 defaults,rw,users
> Is this possible?   

The umask worked thanks


From: Renato Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fdisk problem
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 11:57:58 -0400

I have the same problem, I think..... I loaded RH 6.2 and now I want to delete
everything and remove partitions using DOS FDISK.  I cannot delete the extended
DOS partition.... error message says that I have to delete the logical partition
first.  When I try to look for logical partition, it says there is no logical
partition in the extended DOS partition?????  How do you delete it????

I want to wipe everything out of my hard drive and start fresh.  Thanks in


Ian Northeast wrote:

> sam wrote:
> >
> > Why I can not delete the partition with win98 and liunx when I run "fdisk"
> > command?
> Do you mean "why can I not delete a Linux partition with Win98 fdisk"?
> If so, the answer is "because Windows fdisk is broken".
> Use the Linux fdisk, it'll delete anything. Use a Tom's boot disk
> ( if necessary.
> If you meant something else please clarify.
> Regards, Ian


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: A little confused about services (a few more questions)
Date: 9 Apr 2001 16:03:59 GMT

On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:12:49 +1000, The Happy Drunk allegedly wrote:
>OK I've managed to close the services. The ones I had trouble with I
>used /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf and commented them out .....
>everything still seems to work. I did a full port scan and found ports
>1024, 1032, and 6000 (X11) still open.
>for a linux (RH 6.2) box that is only connected to one other machine
>is X11 needed or can I close this port?
>I do intend to connect it to the internet soonish.
>I can't find any references to ports 1024 or 1032. Is there any way of
>determining what is using them?

netstat -alp | less

See the man page for explanations regarding those options. 
The pipe to less is to allow you to scroll up and down the pages with
the output by using the up- and down-arrows on your keyboard.

Port 6000 is the result from running xdm. Running xdm allows X to start
during the boot process, instead of booting to console, where, when users
would want to use X, they would have to log in first and then issue the 
startx command to start X.
The reason that xdm is listening to the network is that you can also
connect to the GUI from over the network. Install a X-server on your
windows machine fi from
Configure to use a remote desktop, and select an xdmcp query to the
linux/unix machine running xdm, and you can have access to your linux
GUI from within windows.

If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                         website:
The Netherlands 


From: Marie Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Mandrake 6.0 problem
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 16:30:10 -0000

We just installed Linux Mandrake 6.0 yesterday. Everything seemed to be 
just fine till the machine restarted. During set up we selected 640 x 480 
resolution for the Zenith monitor we were using. After the machine 
rebooted, we could barely see the icons on the desktop. 

We have tried everything we know in order to reconfigure the display 
settings but have been unsuccessful. 

Can someone please guide us through this process with step by step 
instructions? We are new to Linux.

Thanks for the help.

Posted via CNET


From: "Joe (mvjap3) Philbrook III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fdisk problem
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 12:41:07 -0400
Reply-To: mvjap3 at work <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Have you tried to use the linux fdisk to delete the partition yet???

If I remember right, the two floppy <boot> & <root> disk set that I made
with rawrite.exe from the slackware 3.5 CD's image files included it... So
unless I'm mistaken, all you need to do is boot up from the installation
floppy set, login as root <with the installation boot disks that shouldn't
need a password...> and type at the #prompt, 

If I remember right, there was another version that was supposed to be
easier to use there also, I "_THINK_" it was called "cfdisk" But in any
event, if you want to clear a linux partition off the drive, a linux
version of fdisk would be the best choice... Then once it's gone, if you
wanted to set up a new dos or windows partition, you could then boot dos
from floppy, and use it's fdisk for that... But if your going to make a
new linux partition, I'd recommend doing that part with the linux fdisk.

Good luck!

        ---   ___
        <O>   <->    Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
          \___/      < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Renato Bautista wrote:

> I have the same problem, I think..... I loaded RH 6.2 and now I want to delete
> everything and remove partitions using DOS FDISK.  I cannot delete the extended
> DOS partition.... error message says that I have to delete the logical partition
> first.  When I try to look for logical partition, it says there is no logical
> partition in the extended DOS partition?????  How do you delete it????
> I want to wipe everything out of my hard drive and start fresh.  Thanks in
> advance.
> Renato


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: cdrom does not mount.
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 12:43:05 -0400

hello again,
i have tried everything but the cdrom still does not want to mount.
any more suggestions?
in my fstab i have
/dev/cdrom    /mnt/cdrom   iso9660   ro,noauto   0  0.
it appears on boot the cdrom is found at hda.


From: mookie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with Dual Boot Win98 and Mandrake 8.0b3 on A7V
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 18:47:19 +0200

> SCSI? or ATA100(which is IDE)?
> Am I missing something here?

Sorry.. the ATA100 is an IDE controller.. I just wrote it together cos 
it's listed under the same option.
> > > > > I know this because when i've previously installed the 2 OSes
> separately
> > > > > it'll boot windows on channel 1 rather than the linux.
> > > > >
> > > I have no clue on what you mean with this.
> > >
> > I meant that I had also tried to setup linux once where there was only
> > the linux drive connected.  That works of course, and when I connect the
> > windows drive after, without the lilo written to the mbr, it'll boot
> > windows directly.
> The linux disc was still called hde when that windows disc was gone, right?

Actually i believe it was still called hdg, though it isn't a distinct 
memory.  Something to do with the way it reads the promise controller i 

I read in alt.os.linux.mandrake that a possible option is the XOSML that 
serves as a front end tool for lilo.  Think it'll help any?  Its 
installed as a dos program, so maybe it'll help get the config sorted 
out.  Think i'll try it and see.



From: "Greg Crutcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trouble with X...Redhat 7.0
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 12:57:55 -0400

After upgrading from 6.2 I ran xf86config to adjust the video settings. It
ran just fine and everything looked ok but when I tried to start X I got an
error. so I deleted the xf86config file to write a new one and the same
thing happened.
Here is the end of the error message. I also have the Xfree86 log file but
it is too long to post. If anyone has an e-mail that I can send it to please
let me know here on this board.

dbe: Unknown error loading module
Config error: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config:48

SubSection "extmod"

Module section Keysord expected

X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)

If someone could help it would be appreciated.


From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: removing Linux presence from MBR
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 13:04:55 -0400

I recently tried to turn a win NT server into a linux server. I installed
Debian linux which modified the MBR. I now need to install Win NT again and
I want to remove the linux boot from the MBR. Can someone give me the
command? Do I execute it from within Linux or DOS?



Subject: new kernel build works in one computer but not another
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 13:16:18 -0400


I have a laptop whose only communication with the outside world is a
parallel-port ZIP drive (no floppy, no CDROM).  So, I have been doing the
OS installs by transferring the hard drive to my desktop system (which is
mostly SCSI).  This worked well until I tried to update to a customized
kernel 2.2.18. Since then, the laptop drive will boot up fine in the
desktop machine, but hangs when placed back in the laptop. I have tried to
go back to the old 2.2.16 image but that doesn't fix the problem.

The hang occurs after all the kernel boot messages up to "Freeing kernel
memory 48k" (sorry, can't remember the exact line.) but does _not_ go
ahead into init.  I am confused because I made no changes to /etc/inittab.
I would save the kernel messages but don't know how. As they flash by, it
looks like there's some failed attempt to look for the SCSI devices.

I've spent two days on this and I am completely stumped! Thanks in advance
for any help here... more details are at the end of this message.


The original setup:
1. Dual boot Win98SE/Red Hat Linux 7.0
2. Boot loader is Loadlin.exe:
loadlin c:/linux/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 ro mem=126M
   initrd=c:/linux/initrd.img ro
 (an additional weirdness is that since the new kernel, I get a
bad crash unless I drop mem=128M down to mem=126M)

3. Red Hat installed on laptop drive in desktop computer, no problems but
took up too much space so I decided to compile a custom, updated kernel
with only needed drivers

Changes I made recently:
1. Shared Linux/Windows swap partition  using the method described
in the mini-HOW-TO...  works just dandy when the hard drive is in the
desktop.  It involved some very minor editing of sysinit file.

2. Recompilation of modular kernel: SCSI drivers only as modules, no
experimental drivers chosen... laptop drive set up as hda in desktop
computer during compilation (though not replacing the desktop's main
hard drive (/dev/sda) since I could manipulate booting through the BIOS.)

3. New bzImage copied to /boot/vmlinuz, c:/linux/vmlinuz. During debugging
some other things, I may have copied the /boot directory from my desktop
drive right over my laptop's /boot directory just because I had run out of

4. Tried to make a new initrd.img without SCSI modules.  Tried using
"noinitrd" option to loadlin line-- Replaced kernels in /boot/vmlinuz and
c:/linux with old 2.2.16 kernel-- replaced /usr/src/linux with old linux
directory backup-- tried rdev on the image file-- no change in the boot


Subject: Re: removing Linux presence from MBR
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 13:30:38 -0400

I think that the command "format /mbr" from DOS will clear your MBR, but I
am not sure about any side-effects.  I _believe_ that your partitions,
etc. would be safe but I would wait to hear from someone else before I
tried it.


On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, David Miller wrote:

> I recently tried to turn a win NT server into a linux server. I installed
> Debian linux which modified the MBR. I now need to install Win NT again and
> I want to remove the linux boot from the MBR. Can someone give me the
> command? Do I execute it from within Linux or DOS?
> Thanks,
> Dave


From: God_Of_Pain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Virtual hosting questions
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 17:49:57 GMT

I want to setup a virtual host server. I want to use one static IP and have 
many URL's hosted from it. IE,, and so on.

I know that I need to configure a DNS server in some way to do this. There 
are others like apache, sendmail what else? Can some one point me to a 
HOW-TO on seting up virtual hosts. 



From: Theng Ung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Squid&RH 7.0
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 18:08:21 GMT


I manage to get it to work now. by using ipchains rules below (modify to suit
my LAN) and also reading this site . Elem103
mention most of it but the site mention something that I don't know before.
1. squid -z # run first time
2. http_access allow all  #in httpd.conf

Regarding the ipchains rules belows I simply just run it on top of the rules
generated by the firewall (firestarter).

Right now anyone can browse from my LAN ( using the proxy
or without the proxy that I set up.
I want to restrict everyone in my LAN to user the proxy server (
Any help is much appreciated.

Anway many thanks to Elem103 for his kind contributions.



Elem103 wrote:

> "
> Prerouting ... sounds like iptables to me.  Anyway... below is a setup for
> ipchains.
> eg. you have 2 network card on the computer and you already have packet
> forwarding enabled and set up via ipchains.
> Internet<---->(203.x.x.x (dynamic))Server With Squid (<---->Your
> Local LAN (192.168.1.x)
> # A few things needed for transparent proxying
> ipchains -A input -p tcp -d localhost 80 -j REJECT
> ipchains -A input -d 80 -p tcp -j REJECT
> ipchains -A input -d 80 -p udp -j REJECT
> # Redirect things to port 80 to port 3128
> ipchains -A input -s -d 80 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 3128
> ipchains -A input -s -d 80 -p udp -j REDIRECT 3128
> # Optionally, you can also redirect SSL and FTP
> ipchains -A input -s -d 443 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 3128
> ipchains -A input -s -d 443 -p udp -j REDIRECT 3128
> ipchains -A input -s -d 21 -p tcp -j REDIRECT 3128
> ipchains -A input -s -d 21 -p udp -j REDIRECT 3128
> Your squid needs to be configured as a HTTPD accelerator as well.
> httpd_accel_host virtual
> httpd_accel_port 80
> httpd_accel_with_proxy on
> httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
> =-
> Elem103


From: tech2kjason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: removing Linux presence from MBR
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:11:10 -0500

If you've already deleted the linux partitions, you can clear the MBR
by using the DOS command fdisk /mbr... This command only refreshes the
MBR of the hard drive without any other side-effects... 


On Mon, 9 Apr 2001 13:30:38 -0400, J Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I think that the command "format /mbr" from DOS will clear your MBR, but I
>am not sure about any side-effects.  I _believe_ that your partitions,
>etc. would be safe but I would wait to hear from someone else before I
>tried it.
>On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, David Miller wrote:
>> I recently tried to turn a win NT server into a linux server. I installed
>> Debian linux which modified the MBR. I now need to install Win NT again and
>> I want to remove the linux boot from the MBR. Can someone give me the
>> command? Do I execute it from within Linux or DOS?
>> Thanks,
>> Dave


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Suppressing Redhat bootup output
Date: 9 Apr 2001 18:18:53 GMT

Paul Haley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[ I'm running Redhat 6.2 and would like to suppress the output on bootup, such 
[ as "Loading cron.....  [OK]", etc.  All I want is to have lilo say "loading 
[ linux" and then give me a login prompt, though of course I still want all 
[ the programs/processes to run, I just don't want them to output to the 
[ screen.  I checked out the init scripts and nothing jumped out at me.  

[ Can somebody help?

There is also the lpp (load progress patch?) which shows a status bar of 
the boot process along with the splash screen or graphic of your choice. 
It's on, and I know there are several nice themes available 
e.g. Trinity from the Matrix, Tux, Suse or Debian or other distro logos. 
Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: John Beardmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Virtual hosting questions
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 19:30:20 +0100

In article <9DmA6.29$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, God_Of_Pain

>I want to setup a virtual host server. I want to use one static IP and have
>many URL's hosted from it. IE,,
> and so on.
>I know that I need to configure a DNS server in some way to do this.

As I understand it, most ISPs won't allow you to export DNS information
to the net.

> There
>are others like apache,

As I understand it Apache allows the configuration of virtual hosts by
name or by IP address.

I'm not quite sure what that means though.  Personally I use a cheap
external redirection service to point requests to


which seems to work OK.

> sendmail what else?

The same redirection service sends mail for




where by the miracle of NAT it pops out on a windows PC.

I can send mail from the windows PC using Turnpike as either




Turnpike doesn't do mailshots too well as far as I can see, so I do
those by invoking sendmail in a script under Linux.  It just uses
whatever noddy defaults I put in through the GUI front end to generate -  the only unusual thing I've done with that is getting it
to send mail from the domain

> Can some one point me to a
>HOW-TO on seting up virtual hosts.

I think you'll have to tackle it server by server.

Cheers, J/.
John Beardmore


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: cdrom does not mount.
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 14:34:01 -0400

Kenny@BUI wrote in message ...
>hello again,
>i have tried everything but the cdrom
>still does not want to mount.
>any more suggestions?
>in my fstab i have
>/dev/cdrom    /mnt/cdrom   iso9660   ro,noauto   0  0.
>it appears on boot the cdrom is found at hda.

Okay, let's take this one step at a time -- it's really very
simple. Firstly, you have to know where the cdrom is. You
say it's at dev/hda and I say it's not. /dev/hda is the
primary master -- if you have an IDE hard drive in your
machine it will surely be there. Your cdrom will be either
on the primary slave or on the secondary channel (namely
/dev/hdb, /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd.) You should be able to find
out where it is by typing

dmesg | less

and looking for some sort of entry with cdrom in it. It
should be fairly early on when the IDE channels are being

Once you've found out where it is, make note of that. I'm
going to use /dev/hdd for this but you should change that as
fits your system.

Now, given the entry from /etc/fstab you've indicated, mount
will try to hang the thing at /mnt/cdrom so check to make
sure that mountpoint exists by doing a

ls -la /mnt

and looking for a directory named cdrom in the output. If it
does not exist, as root, type

mkdir /mnt/cdrom

As well, you need to make sure that the /dev/cdrom, which is
a symlink to the appropriate drive, exists and is pointing
to the right spot, so do

ls -la /dev/cdrom

You should see it pointing to /dev/hdd. If it doesn't you'll
have to fix it.

rm /dev/cdrom && ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom

will get you going.

Finally, in order to mount the thing, there has to be a cd
in the drive. In your case, given your /etc/fstab entry, it
has to be an ISO9660 format cd, which most of them are. So,
take a cd, put it in the drive and type

mount /dev/cdrom

or, if you want the full version

mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

The second version of that command will work if your fstab
doesn't contain an entry for what you're trying to mount.

Most of this you could have figure out if you had read the
man pages and HowTOs, BTW. Try

man mount

Dave Fluri  North Bay, Ontario  Canada

(The opinions herein are mine. I do not speak for my
employer unless I expressly indicate otherwise.)


Subject: what are the diff of 3 labels in lilo.conf of red hat linux 7
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 02:35:19 +0800


I saw that in the /etc/lilo.conf, there are 3 labels:

Could anyone please let me know what are the main differences of selecting
each of them?



From: "H.A.J. van Niekerk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.general,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Firestarter firewall experiences?
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 20:38:38 +0200


I'm currently running the Firestarter-firewall and I'd like to know if
there's anyone who has experiences with this firewall. I don't have much
time to configure the IPCHAINS-firewall (I'm running RH 6.2) so the
Firestarter seemed OK, but it doesn't stop cookies.
Does anyone have a URL where I can find an on-line configurator? (I know
there is one, but I forgot/lost it)

Thanks very much,



From: Massimo Cereda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Two frustrating Samba problems...
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,linux.redhat.misc,linux.samba
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 20:49:58 +0200

Hiawatha Bray wrote:

> But I have Samba.  I've even got it running.  I can see my Linux computer
> on
> my Windows box, but I can't actually access any of the files.  That's my
> problem...

Try to read the good SAMBA-HOWTO on

Massimo Cereda


Subject: Any RPM OS checking when install or upgrade package on Red Hat linux?
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 02:59:24 +0800


I have installed Red Hat 7
and have downloaded a lot of RPMs from the red hat sites.
Do anyone know if I install or upgrade the RPMs,
will the RPM be automatically checked if it is specified
for the Red Hat 7, not the othe OS like Red Hat 6.2?




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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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