Linux-Setup Digest #33, Volume #21               Thu, 12 Apr 01 00:13:14 EDT

  HD Partition ("Fikus McGhee")
  Re: scsi_mod error on startup (Jason LaPenta)
  <daemon.crit>mon[] error message ? Que ?  (Jason LaPenta)
  kernel panic w/ kernel 2.4.2-1 -> VFS:Unable to mounth root fs on 03:44 ("AS")
  Re: the problem of using OS Loader to load Red Hat Linux (Zhou, Ganhong)
  Re: Hawking network print server setup (Dean Thompson)
  Linux and Windows 2000 (Mark Wagnon)
  Re: Micron Netframe MV 5000 with AMI Megaraid problems ("TheMartian")
  Burning binaries onto cd ("Jeff")
  upgrading to 2.4 kernel and egcs ("stevek")
  Configuring Syslog to Accept External Messages ("Steve Remington")
  Re: How do I get rid of Red Hat 7's graphical LILO extension? (Stuart)
  Re: Machine "boots" into grub bash-like shell ... (Charles N. Miller)
  Re: Red Hat system start up (Zen Sorcerer)
  Re: rpm -- 'corrupt header' ("ne...")
  Re: Setting System Clock(s)? (3FE)
  p133 cd-rom-less install ("Michael J. Doyle")
  Re: How do I get rid of Red Hat 7's graphical LILO extension? ("Len Philpot")


From: "Fikus McGhee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HD Partition
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:13:43 -0700

I am about to sent up linux on my pc. I have a 40 gig hd about half full. I
want to setup a 5 gig partition but Partition Magic wants to create this
partition before my current partition. Is there any way around this? Thanks


From: Jason LaPenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scsi_mod error on startup
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:35:34 -0400

Thanks you guys for you help. With your hints I found the culprit

/etc/modules had a "scsi_hostadapter" call in it. Now things work great!


From: Jason LaPenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <daemon.crit>mon[] error message ? Que ? 
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:39:07 -0400

I'm getting these "useless" well 'cause I haven't a clue what they mean
or where they come from, error messages. They are very annoying when
trying to type in a terminal.

<daemon.crit>mon[1130]: failure for servers http 986861542 localhost
<daemon.crit>mon[1162]: failure for servers telnet 986863915 localhost

So what do they mean? How do I fix the failure. I got rid of all the
inet daemon stuff in /ect/rc.d/rc3.d but I guess http and telnet servers
are starting, maybe?


 Jason LaPenta           


Subject: kernel panic w/ kernel 2.4.2-1 -> VFS:Unable to mounth root fs on 03:44
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 00:40:04 GMT


I installed the kernel-image-2.4.2-586tsc_2.4.2-1_i386.deb in to my
pentium 200 mmx running unstable debian. I am getting the following
kernel panic. How can I solve this proble? Thanks, AS.

devfs: boot_option:0x2
request_module[block-major-3]: Root fs not mounted
VFS: Cannot open root device "344" or "03:44"
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:44

--- Here is my /etc/lilo.conf:


--- Here is my /etc/fstab
/dev/hdb4       /             ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0      1
/dev/hdb5       none          swap   sw                         0      0
proc            /proc         proc   defaults                   0      0
/dev/hdb6       /usr          ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/hdb3       /var          ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/hdb1       /home         ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/fd0       /floppy       vfat    user,noauto                0      0
/dev/cdrom     /cdrom        iso9660 user,noauto,ro             0      0
/dev/hdd4       /big          ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/hdd1       none          swap   sw                         0      0
/dev/hdd2       none          swap   sw                         0      0
/dev/hdd3       none          swap   sw                         0      0
usbdevfs       /proc/bus/usb  usbdevfs  defaults                0      0


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zhou, Ganhong)
Subject: Re: the problem of using OS Loader to load Red Hat Linux
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 00:46:24 +0000 (UTC)

"Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in <9as1um$f95$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>then it's pretty obvious.
>There is no LILO bootcode here.

I reinstall the OS. It's OK now.

It seems that the redhat linux doesn't install LILO when I don't choose the 
linear mode. So I used the floppy to boot the linux, then modified the 
/etc/lilo.conf, added "lba32", run /sbin/lilo -v. 
Then use "dd " command to write the boot sector on /dev/hda3 to a file. Use 
windows 2000 loader to load this file. It works.

Eric, Thanks for your help.


From: Dean Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Hawking network print server setup
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:48:49 +1000


> I am trying to set up a network print server. It is a Hawking and according 
> to setup instructions I should just create a remote printer queue and give 
> it the IP address/name and it should work. Unfortunately it doesn't. 
> Hawking has dropped Linux support, so I can't get anything out of them.
> The server has its own IP address and I can ping it, so I know it's not
> communications. Has anyone out there dealt with this problem?

Do you know whether or not the print server is capable of supporting the lpd
port.  If you telnet to the box giving it the port number 515, does it respond
or does it say connection refused ?

If it responds you should be able to set it up with a queue name of RAW and
print to it directly through TCP/IP.

See ya

Dean Thompson

| Dean Thompson              | E-mail  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Bach. Computing (Hons)     | ICQ     - 45191180                         |
| PhD Student                | Office  - <Off-Campus>                     |
| School Comp.Sci & Soft.Eng | Phone   - +61 3 9903 2787 (Gen. Office)    |
| MONASH (Caulfield Campus)  | Fax     - +61 3 9903 1077                  |
| Melbourne, Australia       |                                            |


From: Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and Windows 2000
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:15:45 -0700

Hi all,

I have Win 2K installed on my first hard drive and Debian (potato)
installed on my second drive. Right now I'm using a boot disk to
boot into Linux when I wish, but I have little faith in floppies of
any kind and I want to move to a more reliable boot method. I'm wary
about installing LILO in the MBR of my first drive, but doing a
little searching, I discovered the following:

    You can also install LILO in the MBR, then dump it to a file
    with the command dd -count=1 if /dev/hda of=lilo.mbr Put this
    file in your C drive and make an entry in boot.ini like
    C:\lilo.mbr "Linux"

    After that restore the MBR with a win boot disk by typing
    fdisk /MBR

    Now you should be able to boot linux from an entry in the NT or
    Win2K boot loader.

Has anyone tried this, or can anyone recommend a source of info for
getting win 2k and linux to coexist?

Many thanks!
 ©¿©¬ Mark Wagnon
 To respond to me directly, use the above address
 Don't forget to remove _PleaseDon'tSpamMe_


From: "TheMartian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Micron Netframe MV 5000 with AMI Megaraid problems
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 01:26:27 GMT

Apart from RH7 being a dog of a OS, the problem is the megaraid driver,
its broken big time, still not fixed in the official 2.4.2 kernel release.
A patch has been available from 2.4 ac7, works well with me, with my
MegaRaid 438. Also looked at the driver on the web site,
also broken.

I have patched driver files that work well for me, want me to email them?


Sydney, Australia.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "shane"

> I'm trying to install Redhat 7 onto a Micron Netframe MV 5000. It has an
> AMI Megaraid card in it. During the install, it tries to insmod
> megaraid.o, but shows the following:
> found suggestion of megaraid
> found eepro100
> found NCR53c8xx
> going to insmod megaraid.o (path is null)
> /tmp/megaraid.o: init_module: %M
>  Hint: The error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
>  invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
> Then this throws the installer because it cannot find any valid devices
> to install onto, and the installer reboots the computer.
> On bootup, the megaraid card shows:
> Megaraid disk array adaptor bios version 1.07 Aug 08, 1997 Copyright (C)
> American Megatrends Inc. Host Adaptor-1 Firmware version TN0F DRAM
> SIZE=32mb Battery module is present on adaptor 1 logical drive found on
> host adaptor
> When I hit ^M to go into the AMI megaraid bios, it shows
> Megaraid conf utility ver 1.01 July 10,1997
> On the card I found "IMMD80100209"
> If I hit ^altF4 during the install I see:
> megaraid:v1.09 (August 7, 2000)
>  <6> raid0 personality registered
>  <6> raid1 personality registered
>  <6> raid5 personality registered
> The machine is a Dual PII300 with 400LX chipset. On boot it shows
> Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 MB440LX Bios Release 6.0 The machine
> originally had NT4 on it. When NT4 was on it it showed:
> american megatrends 960RX RAID Adaptor NT4 driver: mraidrx.sys
> interrupt: 9
> memory range: FC9000000-FCFFFFFFFF
> I've looked at's website, and found the server:
> So as best as I can tell, the card is equivalent to a Mylex DAC960 or
> possibly a "MegaRAID RPX Module "
> I've sent mail to tech support to see if they could point
> me to the card's correct modelname (to match to the ones listed at
> ). I haven't heard back from
> them. Email to AMI said "match your card to the products list". Yeah, I
> tried that before I email them...
> Does anyone use this model of Micron or this card with Linux? 2.2.x or
> 2.4 would work. If so, what driver are you using and where did you get
> it?
> I've went through deja (now google), I found a lot of mentions of
> Megaraid, and the kernel, and the kernel archives, but nothing that I
> seemed to be able to use.
> I looked at /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/megaraid.c (2.4.2) and it lists:
>  MegaRAID 418, 428, 438, 466, 762, 467 and 490.
> Maybe this card is not supported by the megaraid driver?
> Any help appreciated...
>  Shane


From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Burning binaries onto cd
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 21:47:13 -0400

For a new unix/linux user, anybody know how to burn the cd's.  I tried using
standard "Joliet", but it changed the files.  Do I have to change the layout
of the files before I create?  Any help is appreciated.



From: "stevek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: upgrading to 2.4 kernel and egcs
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 01:56:15 GMT

upgrading to 2.4 kernel, the changes doc says to have egcs 1.1.2 for
"absolute stability".  Not looking for trouble so is it necessary to
downgrade from gcc 2.96 as the doc says it may cause problems??

then, can someone clarify how to set up the directories for the tar file,
the objdir and srcdir as described in the instructions.  I get messages that
say file not found, etc when trying to do the "srcdir/ config"

any thoughts?  thanks


Reply-To: "Steve Remington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Steve Remington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Configuring Syslog to Accept External Messages
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 02:06:55 GMT

A question to the collective wisdom of the newsgroup.

I would like to know how to configure Syslog (RedHat 6.0) to accept log
messages from a remote source (NetGear RT314 Router).

I have configured the router to send the messages to the syslog server on my
linux box but it is not receiving them

I have added the following lines to the syslog.conf file:

        # Save log messages from NetGear RT314 Router
        Loca1 5

The "start" section of the /etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog file is:

        # we don't want the MARK ticks
        daemon syslogd -m 0
        echo -n "Starting kernel logger: "
        daemon klogd
        touch /var/lock/subsys/syslog

 The settings of the router logging screen is shown below:

                    Active= Yes
                    Syslog IP Address=
                    Log Facility= Local 5

                    CDR= No
                    Packet triggered= No
                    Filter log= Yes
                    PPP log= No

I hope this enough info to help solve my problem.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Great spirits have always encountered
violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein


From: Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I get rid of Red Hat 7's graphical LILO extension?
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 21:44:38 -0400

you can hit control X    i think and turn it off

I dont know how to turn it back on



From: Charles N. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Machine "boots" into grub bash-like shell ...
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 02:30:10 -0000

I had the same problem once or twice. Tried all I could think of.  This 
solution will return the master boot record to it's original state.  You 
might have to reformat and reinstalling your operating system of choice.  
Here is how I solved it (after hours on HP teh support). Find a micocroft 
winders boot disk with fdisk on it.  At a a: prompt or whatever 
type "fdisk/mbr"  The guy at tech suppot said do it 3 times, but I found 
once was sufficient.  This will resore your master boot record to it's 
original configuration.  Before you reformat, you should try booting it 
and see what turns up.

If you find out a way to do it without porking your system, let me know.

Marc Koschewski wrote:
> Hi all...
> I'm experiencing problems on a Mandrake 7.2 machine.
> After I turned it off one day and wanted to boot it the other day, the 
> just "boots" into the grub bash-like shell. Anything I tried to load a 
> and boot it results in the following error message such as this one:
>         Inconsistent filesystem structure
> So where's the problem? I use reiserFS on all drives. I didn't update 
> especially grub ... it just booted into that prompt after turning the 
> off. I do NOT use the kernel 2.4.x from the Mandrake Cooker, where they 
> some problems with reiserFS. I use the 2.2.17-21mdk that came with the 
> Linux-Mandrake distribution.
> Thank you for any input to this question!
> Marc

Posted via CNET


From: Zen Sorcerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red Hat system start up
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 02:30:13 -0000

Craig Van Tassle wrote:
> I am trying to figure out how to change the way my system starts up so i
> can close down several services that I don't want to be open (netbios
> for one) I was wondering if any one know a t-phile that explains the RH
> start-up system in detail. the only ones that I found said it uses
> scripts.  Well what do i need to do to modify those scripts to kill the
> things that I don't want open

On a RH system all you need to do is this:

/sbin/chkconfig --list

will give you a list of all the daemons that are running on your system.

/sbin/chkconfig --help will explain how to --add or --del services.

that's it...not so hard, huh?


Posted via CNET


From: "ne..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm -- 'corrupt header'
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 02:32:08 GMT

On Apr 11, 2001 at 19:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] eloquently wrote:

>Any recovery from this?
>Big file downloaded over metered telephone connection, for naught. Wonder
>if there's some way to repair or reconstruct this kind of corruption, some
>tool for maintaining rpm's?

Registered Linux User # 125653 (
History repeats itself -- the first time as a tragi-comedy, the second
time as bedroom farce.
 10:27pm  up  1:23,  7 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


Subject: Re: Setting System Clock(s)?
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 02:49:17 GMT

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:23:34 GMT, Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insisted:
> Graeme Rae wrote:
> > Problem - however I set the system clock, the date command returns the
> > correct time, but creating files etc have the wrong time stamp.
>     Your system has 2 clocks, software (system) and hardware (bios).  
> They both need to be correct and sync'd.  I have this alias in my 
> /etc/bashrc :
>     alias tdate="rdate -sp && hwclock --systohc"  
> Typing 'tdate' as root, while connected, sets the software clock to 
>  Then, and only if that was successful, the '&& hwclock 
> --systohc' part, syncs the hardware clock to the just corrected 
> software clock.  (see man rdate and man hwclock)

I just read the man page:

     -p      Do not set, just print the remote time

     -s      Do not print the time.

So, the -s switch is over-riding your -p switch (implicitly setting
bios clock)?  And the -p is over-riding the -s?  Aiii!

How should it be done?  I just installed it in Debian, and now I
expect it'll just be run from inetd.  I hope this is wise.


 Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
     TopQuark Software & Serv.  Contract programmer, server bum.
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Give up Spammers; I use procmail.


From: "Michael J. Doyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: p133 cd-rom-less install
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 22:00:37 -0500

I'm a newbie. Got an old Ibm p133 for $40. Want to install a linux distro,
no cd-rom, has an ethernet card. Can someone point me to a good floppy/NFS
install Faq, Redhat preferred. 



From: "Len Philpot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I get rid of Red Hat 7's graphical LILO extension?
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 22:20:48 -0500

In article <9b314p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Stuart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> you can hit control X    i think and turn it off
> I dont know how to turn it back on
> stuart

Comment out the line in /etc/lilo.conf:

# message=/boot/message

and run /sbin/lilo to pick up the change.


 -- Len Philpot -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     (personal) <--
 ----------------> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (work) <--
 ------ ><> ----->      (web) <--



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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