On Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 03:47:22PM +0100, Olliver Schinagl wrote:
>I think its pretty fair to conclude, that power draw when IDLE is
>almost the same on min freq and max freq. During load it does matter
>but why would you run your CPU lower during load? So for the default
>governor, performance without a doubt and if you insist on ondemand,
>408 for the minimum is quite alright.
>Interesting result to say the least.

a few years ago I measured the same thing on intel server chips
(nehalem and older xeons in HPC clusters).
server idle power @ 200Mhz == server idle power @ 3GHz.

likely internal blocks in the chip are smart and clock themselves
down/off when they detect they're idle. on the intel chips (and it
looks like on allwinner too) this happens regardless of any OS cpufreq

in reality (which isn't a case commonly covered by benchmarks :-) the
main effect of lower MHz cpu governors is probably to make apps that
are spinwaiting for i/o or network use less power. unfortunately lower
MHz can also mean higher latency from the i/o and network subsystems,
so it may not be a win. my conclusion (in the HPC workload case) was
that max MHz was clearly the best choice.

IMHO it's hard to construct cases where max MHz is wrong... (+/- chip
might melt)

BTW, intel have gradually been improving the whole-server idle/max
power usage ratio - largely by moving functionality off the board and
into the cpu die - SoC style. the ratio used to be about 1/2 on Core2
era servers, was about 1/3 on Nehalem, and I'd guess it is now probably
closer to 1/4.
from your numbers it looks like allwinner/cubie2 is 0.34/.9 ~= 0.38
which isn't too bad, but isn't great either.


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