I am trying to use the on-board analog sound output on a CubieBoard2 (A20)
with a program that I developed on the PC platform.

It uses 16bit 48000 samples/s stereo audio output, and tries to set a 16384 
buffer (16 periods of 1024 frames).

The driver on the CubieBoard2 (from the current version of Cubian) refuses this
setting and limits the number of periods to 8 and the buffer size to 8192 

I can find the 8-period limit in the driver source that I retrieved using
git clone -b sunxi-3.4 --depth 1 https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi.git
(I'm not completely certain that this is the source of the kernel I am running).

Is it a hardware-determined limitation?
However, when I change my program to use 2048-frame periods, it still limits
the buffer to 8192 periods, now 4.

I wonder if there is some way to get around this, or if this is a hardware
limitation that can not be fixed in the driver (and so I will have to change
my program to work around having the smaller buffer)?


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