Op donderdag 16 oktober 2014 23:32:18 UTC+2 schreef Stefan Monnier:
> > Is that patch changing the buffersize and/or number of periods limits?
> Which patch?  Emilio's code is a brand new driver written from scratch, IIUC.

The patch that I replied to.

> > That appears to be setting the max number of periods to 8 (why?) but also it
> > looks like it is setting the buffer size to 128K so it should be no problem 
> > to
> > set 16384 frames of 4 bytes (16bit stereo) each.  Still that does not work.
> You should probably ask Emilio directly (tho he didn't answer my last
> email, so apparently he's busy with other things).

Look, I am new here.  I don't know who Emilio is, what he did, and how I
can integrate his code into Cubian.  I am still reading up on that.

I am trying to find out if I can replace a PC in an amateur radio hobby project
with a CubieBoard2.
The PC is running Debian Wheezy and it looked like a good plan to install the
Debian version for the CubieBoard2, Cubian, and see how things work out.

So I come here to ask about the audio driver and what I can do, the word is I
should "try Emilio's kernel" but a posting later it already appears that this
is not something I can download and install on the CubieBoard2, but I will
first have to tweak it to match the hardware.

Maybe it is better to find out first if there is a Cubian community where they
know what kernel they use and how I can switch that to "Emilio's kernel", if
they know about that.

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