On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 4:15:38 AM UTC-8, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 5:55 AM, Luc Verhaegen <l...@skynet.be> wrote:
> >
> > Allwinner, it is very high time to start playing nice. You've been at it
> > for 4 years now and seem utterly incapable of or unwilling to change.
> I think it's time for Luc to start playing nice. His toxic behavior
> does not help.
> Trying to berate both on list and off list, even new members to this
> Google group,
> is unacceptable behavior.
> It makes me wonder whether his abrasive behavior was actually a factor
> to the situation that we try to solve here.
> It's very ironic as well!
> We see constructive efforts from Allwinner to fix issues
> and it makes sense for the community to be constructive as well.
> I do not even see an issue filed at
> https://github.com/allwinner-zh/media-codec/issues
> Being constructive and nice takes you a long way,
> Simos

Instead of whining about him calling you out on your years of noncompliance how 
about you start doing your fucking job.  I hope someone with standing takes 
this to court and sues for damages as it is the only way anything will happen 
in a reasonable time frame.

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