Am 25.02.2015, 13:15 Uhr, schrieb Simos Xenitellis <>:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 5:55 AM, Luc Verhaegen <> wrote:

Allwinner, it is very high time to start playing nice. You've been at it
for 4 years now and seem utterly incapable of or unwilling to change.

I think it's time for Luc to start playing nice. His toxic behavior
does not help.
Trying to berate both on list and off list, even new members to this
Google group,
is unacceptable behavior.
It makes me wonder whether his abrasive behavior was actually a factor
to the situation that we try to solve here.
It's very ironic as well!

We see constructive efforts from Allwinner to fix issues
and it makes sense for the community to be constructive as well.
I do not even see an issue filed at

Being constructive and nice takes you a long way,

Just my two cents about Luc:

I recently dared entering the irc sunxi chat and obviously disturbed the experts there with Luc loading off his anger because I had bought a BananaPi which he thinks is kind of a parasitic product o_O

Immediately I also received the message that I better do not weigh each of his words, so his very special personal style must be known to insiders. I give credit to those who deliver excellent code, they are entitled to communicate like nerds :O

Regarding the GPL violations:
Imho it is obvious that Allwinner did violate it, as many other companies do it every day. I think it is necessary to regularly put a finger in these wounds and be vigilant to change that situation.

BUT: We need results and therefore it is better to have good relationship with the companies while politely pushing them everyday in that direction.

From many years of industrial experience I do know that most probably those companies do not intentionally violate GPL. They are just busily struggling to survive in these extremely fast moving markets and do not have time and resources to care for this kind of 'details'. This does not excuse it or embellish anything, but that is how organizations operate.

Therefore, when David Lanzendörfer travels to Shenzen and get's personal contact with engineers at Allwinner this imho is the very best possibility to improve that situation. Let us give him a fair chance to prove the usefulness right now.


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