mån 2015-03-16 klockan 11:13 +0100 skrev Hans de Goede:

> I see, yes using olinuxino's embedded in factory devices is a valid reason,
> so I will be happy to take patches for reading the MAC from the eeprom,
> we will need to do some tests to make sure that we only do this on
> valid eeproms though, I think it would be good to add a checksum +
> all 00 test, or a crc check, note a checksum is fine by me, but if
> there is ready to use crc code somewhere in u-boot that works for me too.

The MAC eeproms I have seen do not have any CRC. Just the raw MAC in a
dedicated page. Better to follow common practice in how MAC is stored.
There is room for additional data in other pages as well.


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