On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 09:22:11AM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
> however....I have never seen a non windows box come up with a
> 169.254.x.x IP address on dhcp failure. On all the implementations I
> have seen, once dhcp times out the interface does not come up, nor
> does it make an entry in the routing table.

It's not a requirement of the DHCP standard to do this.  Use of the IPv4
link-local range is another mechanism (often called Zeroconf, or
Rendezvous) for a machine to automatically attain an IP address.

Windows is not the only OS that supports this.  Mac OS 9 and above also
support this, and I suspect that recent versions of Solaris may also
support this.  By the sounds of it, Red Hat are headed down the path of
supporting in in Red Hat 9.

Matthew Gregan                     |/
                                  /|                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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