Hi all,
        late to the topic but.
Mandrake Mandrake Mandrake (clear yet) <g>

Alternately K12 linux for schools based on Redhat(TM).
(also K12 terminal server) both at K12Linux.org.
available in NZ from www.linuxshop.co.nz if downloading
is a hassle.

For Grapics the GIMP=equivalent to photoshop.

*//If unsure run two or more variants and pick and choose
the best from each for your purposes.*//

I use Mandrake 9.1 and while not perfect yet
it's pretty B***** Good.

My kids love it, the only thing lacking from their piont of view
are the windows games.

Regarding wether to go fully linux or blend in slowly people learn 
best when they have to at a minimum I would suggest classrooms running
one or the other not a mix.


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