Hi Keith, Terry, CF, Avonside Girls High etc and others.

I am currently working with the OSTC to look at running a presentation for 
schools in about three weeks or so. We are hoping to invite IT people and 
principals, staff etc from schools, give a short speil on what Linux and O/S 
is and then let them play with a variety of setups so they can see for 
themselves. We would also like to look at possible migration / intergration 
strategies and hear of at least one success story ( hint hint hint Keith). 

We aren't aiming to turn them all into Linux devotees but the Linux world 
offers excellent firewalls, terminal servers, desktops, mail and file server 
systems that would help alleviate the problems of spam, viruses and worms. 
The only problem is people don't know about it and if the y do they thing it 
is an all or nothing, ie throw M$ and go Linux only.

Would you guys / gals be interested in being part of this and are there other 
educational institutes out there who would like to come and have a look. My 
company is sponsoring coffee and muffins, OSTC is providing hardware and site 
and if the need is big enough we would look at running this several time 

The other outcome to this is a chance for schools and educational institutes 
to get together and talk about their common IT problems on neutral turf, 
maybe even start s sub group to support each other and find resources in 
common. BTW did I mention free coffee and muffins?

Looking forward to your reply and hearing from others in the same field who 
might be interested.


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