On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 12:06, Bryce Stenberg wrote:
> >So is each workstation making a separate PPTP connection to the router? 
> No, the pptp tunnel is from the client's PC through to the server on the
> internet, the router has to do network address (and port?) translation. 

> >Or are they making a PPTP connection to the remote VPN server on the net?
> Yes.

Very odd - its as though the implementation of NAT isn't stateful (not
sure if thats the right word?)  

> >If its the second choice then any DSL router should do the job.
> Not so... can only establish one VPN session at a time to the same server.
> (Dynalink and D-link expressly say their ADSL routers can't handle more than
> one connection to the same VPN server at the same time - don't quite know
> why they are so limited).

Theres two there at the moment, and none on grays.co.nz

Does IPCOP do anything to help in this instance?
That says VPNs are possible, terminated from the IPCOP box.

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