Instead of asking the questions, make some suggestions!

the purpose of this list is communication. Tell us what yo want Trev
(sorry I didn't get a cahnce to chat to you the other night, but even if
I did, you still need to tell the group what you want!) This is the
place, and the chance to do it.

There are more people on the list than could make it to an AGM, even if
we IRC it! So put your suggestions up here people!

On Fri, 06 Feb
2004 21:28:37+1300 Trev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There have been a lot of suggestions.... but no action!
> Dinner was great, but....
> So what are we doing:
> Are we going to have an AGM this year ?. 
> Are we going to elected a committee ?. 
> Are we going to have _any meetings_ at all ?.
> Or are we _NOT_ going to have a Linux User Group with meetings at all
> ?.
> Installfests, workshops, tech talks: 
> What direction we go can be decided on at an AGM and later meetings.
> Nick Elder wrote:
> > It has been roughly a year since CLUG had a general meeting. At that
> > meeting I was very keen to see CLUG get organised with a committee
> > and have elected officers to run the committee.... But to my
> > disappointment no one became responsible for anything, as it was
> > decided to have a committee with no one elected for particular
> > tasks.
> Rik Tindall wrote:
> > Without the meetings (& going monthly showed CLUG's maturity), we
> > have much less in the way of ongoing newbie support. Without visible
> > newbie support, Linux on the public stage is probably sunk. Where
> > else will it come from on the scale necessary to make Linux a
> > competing desktop OS? Is this a good thing? I think not.
> > * I volunteer to contact the Sydenham hall & book this years'
> > meeting times, if so agreed/directed by the list/committee. *
> > Perhaps the 'problem' of CLUG bureaucratisation is easily solved:
> > The List runs the List.
> > The committee runs the meetings (& is elected by the meetings) on
> > behalf of the List.
> > * If you ever need a set of minutes for a meeting I volunteer for
> > that too. *
> > .......
> > Seems it it time, again (annually), here & now, to:
> > "Formally propose - formation of the Canterbury Linux Community
> > Trust."
> > All those in favour, please say Aye.
> Aye
> > All those against, please say No.
> > User development will be a lot easier for CLUG with this under its
> > belt.
> Paul William wrote:
> > Why don't we have a simple online voting system? Each user who has
> > posted in the last year gets emailed a randomly generated
> > ID/password when they vote the id is deleted.
> Why don't we ?.
> To vote on: 
> To have monthly meetings or not.
> To have an elected committee or not.
> Nick Rout wrote:
> > ... what do we want? more tech talks? demos (a la Jason's
> > talk on multimedia) ? installfests? workshops? 
> > come on people, ideas/directions! its your group.
> John Carter wrote:
> > Way back when when the moon was young, a small "Amateur Computer
> > Club" started up a yearly computer expo. At the time it's emphasis
> > was "ooh looky, what neat things these micros can do."
> > It was _very_ successful.
> > ..........
> > Such an expo shouldn't be purely a Linux thing, but a demo of the
> > fun things that _are_ being done with computers, program languages,
> > embedded systems, DSP's, FPGA's, Robotics, Biotec... in the
> > Canterbury area.
> > The emphasis should be on fun and excitement, not Linux. I'm sure as
> > a result of that emphasis Linux will feature heavily...
> Douglas Royds wrote:
> > The benefit of a formal installfest comes from the publicity it
> > (i.e. we, the CLUG) generate - posters and emails and "Hey, just
> > bowl along with your PC" do a lot more than just get people in to
> > the installfest, they raise the Linux profile overall. Also, they
> > sow the idea that there is a community here, and installing Linux is
> > something anyone can do, as there is help available.
> > Perhaps the installfest could be combined with John Carter's return
> > to a computer expo that is actually fun.
> Hoping for some positive action
> Trevor

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