My $0.02 -

As things currently stand we have a committee who primarily look after the 
small amount of money "CLUG"* has aquired, and the avenues through which that 
money is spent / aquired (read: meetings, workshops, installfests). This a 
valuable role (espeically as far as money is concerned, heh). And helpers 
need rounding up for installfests, speakers need rounding up for meetings, 
etc etc. 

But the group is really the mailing list. This is where people come for help, 
this is where decisions are usually made, this is where most discussions 
happen. Any off list activities are really just a semi-organised gathering of 
like minded people, who organised something and invited people via a common 
mailing list. With the exception of the funds (which the committee looks 
after), that's all there is really. And that's all we need.

Why do we need a formal group (aka committee) organising things like official 
dinners / dinner meetings? If people on the list want to meet others and eat 
food, they don't need any kind of structure to do so. Someone (let's say 
Nick, for example ;-) decides they want to organise a small get together at a 
local restraunt, and posts an open invitation to all list members. Those who 
wish to join the fun do so, those who can't make it (like me, regrettably), 
or who can't afford it (me also, heh ;-) don't. 

Now, somebody tell me what is wrong with that system.

It works. - worked (and from the sounds of it everyone had a good time :-)

I would like to see the committee stick to their current role of organising 
meetings and installfests. Input from people on list as to the content of 
these (do we need more speakers? more workshops? etc) is of course a good 
thing. But anything additional that can be left on an ad-hoc basis (such as 
dinners) should be IMHO. 

Basically - if you want an activity, organise it yourself, and post an 
invitation to others on the mailing list.**

I don't think we need an AGM, unless any of those on the committee feel they 
wish to step down, in which case we will need to elect replacements (but even 
that can be done on-list). Things are running pretty well by themselves. 

In any case, I move a pre-emptive motion that nobody move any motions, 
counter-motions, motions to append motions, or any other such silliness, 
should an AGM be held this year :-) :-)

Sorry for the long post.


* there is no CLUG ;-)

** this goes for forming random community trusts and the like too ;-)

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