On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:13, you wrote:
> I was going to suggest the same as Nick, but this post put paid to that.
> However, starting up using either init.d scripts *or* crontab scripts is
> good. I know it sounds a bit strange, but if you put it in cron, then it
> can act as a means of automagically restarting the process if it fails. I
> wish I could take credit for that one, but I stole it off the seti
> project (:

I'm leaning toward a cron job because it is under user control and does not 
need root.

Probably hourly at a couple of minutes before the hour:

if <my_process> not running
        run <my_process>

Then it will run one copy at a time, but not get clogged up respawning too 
quickly like inittab does.

> But, you're missing something in all of this... where's the database to
> store it all in? That way, you can generate up-to-date graphs on the fly
> when requested!

I plan to migrate to Postgres, then I'll be able to store all the data all 
the time and get graphs of any subset.  Right now I'm just getting all the 
bits working.


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