On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 00:41:24 +1300
Lindsay wrote:

> Time to get the feather out.  We have two computers.
> I have been trying to install Ubuntu on the second PC which has a 10gb
> WinXP partition (c:/), a further 10gb FAT32 partition, a 512MB Linux
> swap partition and a 20gb Linux partition (FAT32) - originally ext3 but
> Ubuntu wouldn't use that for me in any way.

you cannot install linux to a fat32 filesystem. you need to use a unix
filesystem, one that supports users, permissions etc. (there is a thing
called umsdos which adds unix attributes to a fat32 filesystem but
forget it ok?

By the way your email shows some confusion: partitions are not fat32 or
ext2 or ext3, partitions are marked as being for a particular OS. You do that 
from the partitioning program which is usually called fdisk or cfdisk or 
similar. The filesystem that resides in the partition is fat32
or ext2/3 or whatever. That is done by formatting the partition - eg the
dos program format or the linux program mke2fs

> I get part way through installation and get a series of errors messages
> (This is after five patient attempts at doing this and numerous retries
> when that option arises.)
> the errors are as follows:
> 1) |Install the base system|
>      Base system installation error
>    The bootstrap program exited with an error (Return value 1)
>    Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for details
> 2)  |Failed to install the base system|
>     The base system installation into /target failed
>     Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for details
> 3)  |Installation step failed| 
>     An installation step failed .  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The
>     failing step is: Install the base system.
> 4) Repeats of 1 & 2  &
>     |Install the base system|
>     Installation step failed
>     An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.
>     The failing step is: Install the GRUB boot loader in a hard drive.
> 5)  1 & 2 again &
>     |Install the base system|
>     Installation step failed
>     An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.
>     The failing step is:Install the LILO boot loader on a hard drive.
> 6)  1 & 2 again &
>      |Install the base system|
>     Installation step failed
>     An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.
>     The failing step is:continue without boot loader.

probably your choice of partitioning/filesystems. possibly also a faulty cd, or 
faulty hardware.

> Needless to say, nothing works - no Win XP, not dual boot load -
> nothing.  I have tried various CD's and both CD Rom drives. Same
> results   
> Who has some bright Idea's for a user of three weeks?

well to restore your system to weorking order do the rescue thing with
your WinXP CD and restore the MBR. Then try again, but use a 
partitionmarked for LINUX and a LINUX filesystem in that partition

> Help would be appreciated
> Linz

Nick Rout
Barrister & Solicitor

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