Hi Lindsay.

I have had similar error messages when using the original disk, but had
better success when I used a copied disk.  I think that the files are
compressed on the disk and the problem occurs when the files are being read
and uncompressed at similtaneously.

I suggest that you try making a copy of the disk, check that you get no
errors while the disk is being read.  If you do, abort the process and try
again.  Since the files are not being uncompressed at the same time you will
likely get an error free read.  The fault is probably not so much with the
disk as your drive.

As Nick mentioned, you will need to format the partition as ext3 or reiserfs
during the install, but it won't matter what it is before you start, it can
even be unformatted, just select that partition and agree to let the
installer format the partition.

Hope that helps.

Lance B
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lindsay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CLUG" <linux-users@it.canterbury.ac.nz>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: Warty install failed on machine with WinXp partition - newbie

> Time to get the feather out.  We have two computers.
> I have been trying to install Ubuntu on the second PC which has a 10gb
> WinXP partition (c:/), a further 10gb FAT32 partition, a 512MB Linux
> swap partition and a 20gb Linux partition (FAT32) - originally ext3 but
> Ubuntu wouldn't use that for me in any way.
> I get part way through installation and get a series of errors messages
> (This is after five patient attempts at doing this and numerous retries
> when that option arises.)
> the errors are as follows:
> 1) |Install the base system|
>      Base system installation error
>    The bootstrap program exited with an error (Return value 1)
>    Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for details
> 2)  |Failed to install the base system|
>     The base system installation into /target failed
>     Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for details
> 3)  |Installation step failed|
>     An installation step failed .  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The
>     failing step is: Install the base system.
> 4) Repeats of 1 & 2  &
>     |Install the base system|
>     Installation step failed
>     An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.
>     The failing step is: Install the GRUB boot loader in a hard drive.
> 5)  1 & 2 again &
>     |Install the base system|
>     Installation step failed
>     An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.
>     The failing step is:Install the LILO boot loader on a hard drive.
> 6)  1 & 2 again &
>      |Install the base system|
>     Installation step failed
>     An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item
>     again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.
>     The failing step is:continue without boot loader.
> Needless to say, nothing works - no Win XP, not dual boot load -
> nothing.  I have tried various CD's and both CD Rom drives. Same
> results
> Who has some bright Idea's for a user of three weeks?
> Help would be appreciated
> Linz

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