You'd think ISPs would adopt/offer a model like the "now you don't need to guess" (the Hula Hoop Kids) plan offered by telecom for their mobiles.

this paying overage is a crappy system.



PS my linux desktop system is Xandros .. its rather good being debian based and all .. crossover office is a great addition to any system that requires M$ stuff .. happy to loan a pair of CDs to anyone wanting to give it a try. Contact me off list for that.

Don Gould wrote:

Steve Holdoway wrote:
I'm always happy to download stuff for those with limited bandwidth, being as I'm a sysadm with unlimited access!

I'll remember that...

This month my neighbour kicked us over the 10gb limit by 400mb by mistake... she just had per pc rebuilt after her little 'simpsonz logo hunting exercise' went wrong, Lime Wire chewed up 6gb before I noticed what was going on... opps...

So, I paid the extra 10$ to Orcon for another 5gb...

Figuring I had 4gb to use up so I downloaded (3 times) the Debian ISO's...

Orcon then sent the 'You've got 700mb left..." message...

That's ok I figured, 3 days to go...

Enter the wife....

$20 extra dollars to Orcon this month...

Steve, I'd sooner give you my gold!

Cheers Don

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