I've noticed increased heat issues on both my GPUs on both XP & Gentoo
- I think latest nvidia drivers push the cards harder (PhysX?) - they
were passive cooling only so I dropped another fan in the box pointed
across the cards and the issues have gone.
Aidan Gauland wrote:
I upgraded from Debian etch to lenny over a week ago. Shortly
thereafter, my system's display started freezing after a few minutes
of use: the only thing that does not get affected is the cursor in X;
I couldn't even get to a virtual console. But I could shut it down by
pressing the power button (which seems to be equivalent to running
"shutdown -h now"). I uninstalled all xorg drivers, except for vesa;
this seems to keep my system stable, but I still get the freezing
sometimes when I shutdown from within X. (Quick summary of that
oddness: *everything* in X freezes, except for the cursor; and I can't
do *anything*, not even get to a virtual console, except for shut down
(*NOT* a hard reset) by pressing the power button on my box.)
Now things start resembling Steven King's 1408. I installed Antix
Mepis, because it describes itself as a distro for old hardware, and I
assumed that I had found a bug in the nv xorg driver (I'm using an old
(it's for AGP) nVidia card) that would be patched in a distro for old
hardware. After going through the installation process and
configuring my new system, it froze, just as before, while Synaptic
was getting the repository indexes.
So I went back to etch. A *FRESH INSTALLATION* of etch. And it
froze... while Synaptic was getting the repository induces.
All of this was much, much more painful than it sounds. I'm *now*
using Debian lenny with the vesa driver. I *was* using Debian etch
with nVidia's non-free driver, and it was very stable.
Does anybody have any advice? Please? I'm now thinking (after etch
froze) that something has happened to my video card. And I'm a little
worried that it will get worse.
Oh, yeah, and a while ago when I was using etch, some characters (it
looks like it's always the same ones) on the screen during boot time
(when it's in plain vga mode) would turn into a vertical bar character
(this -> '|'). It still happens, and to more characters than when it
started (i.e. it's gotten worse). So, again, taking all of this into
consideration, I think my video card is on its way out, and needs to
be replaced.