On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Jim Cheetham <j...@gonzul.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Craig Falconer
> <cfalco...@totalteam.co.nz> wrote:
>> Bryce Stenberg wrote, On 19/03/10 15:11:
>>> I need a good SSH client to use on my windows machine.
>> PuTTY.  It works, its free, and it works.
> Agreed. But it's "just" a terminal emulator.

putty is more than that. It will set up tunnels, do X11 forwarding,
authenticate via keys and much more.

I find it really useful from work (win environment) if I need to look
at, eg, mythweb at home. I don't need to expose an insecure internal
webserver to the net. I just connect via putty and my pre setup
tunnels give me access to the various services at home.

>> Or you could install cygwin and compile up xterm and ssh for windows.
> Almost; install cygwin and use rxvt.exe to run bash; from there just
> use ssh as 'normal'. This is probably the *best* option for anyone on
> Windows who wants their PC to be as close an equal to their server as
> possible. Same command line, mostly the same tools.

cygwin is very big and unnecessarily complex for a simple ssh
connection and doing some tunnelling.


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