Hi All,

I have tried a few times to Install either SUSE or Debian, on a Toshiba
Portege, but with no success.  The Portegee, is a laptop that is very small
but has no CD rom.  I can setup a NFS server on one of my SUSE boxes, and
export the directories I need, but I have problems when changing the CD's.
I am hoping that I can use one of my Debian Dists, Prodegny or one that I am
downloading now Libranet to put Linux on this laptop.

My ultimate goals are to learn Linux to such an extent that I can fix any
problems when they occur or change any configuration as needed.  When I can
do this, I am hoping in about 12 months time I will change my main business
laptop from Windows to Linux.  I have had a look at Linux on Laptops, and I
have the specs for this laptop. But if anyone has any hints for setting up a
NFS server, in which files to copy across and how to use NFS for installing
Debian or a Debian based Dist from NFS it would be really appreciated.

Cheers for now, and thanks in advance for any comments or help.

Shane Broomhall

Brisbane  Australia.

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