Thanks for the response Bruce. Question below.

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Thursday 21 February 2002 11:29 am, Tim Wunder wrote:
>>I am in need of some enlightenment. What is the purpose of procmail and
>>how does it relate to sendmail?
> Procmail is a deliverer of mail....  It takes an email from sendmail and does 
> the final delivery of it on the local host  (or what other processes you 
> might want to do with that mail such as forward it)
> In your /etc/   you will find (most likely) and  Mlocal entry that 
> specifies procmail as the delivery agent.

OK, my file appears to be using /usr/sbin/mail.local to 
deliver mail, at least that's how I understand this line:
Mlocal, P=/usr/sbin/mail/local, F=<gobbldygook>:/<gobbldygook2>, 
SEnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, T=DNS/RFC822/SMTP

So I should change this somehow to get it to use Procmail. How?

(I'll hunt for an answer on my own, but...)

According to,
I need to do this first:
Using the sendmail 8.8 auto-configuration, procmail support can be 
easily integrated into the file by adding the following to 
the sendmail macro file:

FEATURE(local_procmail, `/pkg/bin/procmail')
        define(`PROCMAIL_PATH', /pkg/bin/procmail)

Is that right?


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