Collins wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Mar 2002 23:03:06 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:> > On Sat, 30 Mar 2002 23:10:43 -0500
> > > Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Under the impression that Linux doesn't support 24 bit color.
> >
> > Granted, i'm coming into this thread late, but unless i missed
> > something, the above statement is wrong on many levels.  For starters,
> > Linux (the kernel) doesn't support any color, as it doesn't have a
> > clue about colors.  That's what you have an X server for, or at the
> > very least a curses package.
> >
> > That said, XFree86 has supported 24 bit color for at least 4 years
> > (that's as far back as I've used it).
> >
> > Now, i'm sure that there are prolly some videocards and/or drivers
> > that may not support 24bit color, however that has nothing to do with
> > Linux either.
>>> The x server comes bundled with with the Linux distro. So it does have something 
>to do with Linux. On Mandrake Mandrake 7.2 runs a 2.2 kernel and I don't believe the 
>bundled x server supports 24 bit. As for it 24 bit on an Intel i810 I'm running the 
>same chip. On Caldera 3.1 and Redmond Linux the Lizard installer sends a message that 
>Caldera/Redmond can't install on the box. So I run Mandrake 8.0, Mandrake 8.1 and 
>SuSe7.2 but in the 16 bit mode. 24 bit may be supported by the 4.2 x server, but 
>because of some bad experiences with 4.2 I don't use that. Anyway the orginal 
>question dealt with running Mandrake 7.2 which doesn't run the 4.2 x server and 
>therefore wouldn't support 24 bit color.

>>Ditto.  Tell it to my X which runs in 24bit mode all the time (Intel
> I810 card).
> --
> Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
> Gentoo_rc6-15 2.4.19pre - xfce + sylpheed + mozilla
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