Net Llama wrote:
> Fellow Pengiuns,
> The SxS editors are in the process of reworking the layout & design of
> the SxS site to make it more usable for everyone.  Here's out latest
> proof of concept:
> Please provide feedback, whether negative or positive.  If you don't
> like any of it, SAY SO!  If you love all of it, tell us!  If you think
> the fonts are good or bad, let us know.  If you think the images are too
> big, small, pretty, ugly, stinky or otherwise, please tell us.  If
> you've got questions, please ask, i swear no one will yell at you.  :)
> Remember, the SxS is your site, and without feedback from the people who
> use it, we can't improve upon it!  We want to make it as useful and
> attractive as possible.
> thanks,
> Net Llama!
> =====
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Lonni J. Friedman                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step help: 

Looks very good! Only thing I noticed was the store has white items
against a white background, making it hard to discern the images.
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