On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 23:09:05 -0700 "Philip J. Koenig"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> On 12 Apr 2002, at 23:02, Brett I.
Holcomb boldly uttered: > 
> > Well, Konq is one reason I left KDE.  Konq as a browser is useless
> > - it can't handle most of the pages I visit (and they aren't
> > browser specific either).  However, Mozilla can handle those same
> > pages without a problem at 

Jumping in recklessly, he says: Konq is much improved in kde3.  Will
it do everything for you?  If it breaks, do you file a bug report?

> > all.  It got so I would open in Konq, close Konq because it
> > couldn't handle the page, open Mozilla and it would work.  My
> > frustration is from the fact I like many of Konq's features but
> > it's broken.  When it was reported (by many of us) we got the
> > standard KDE response to all bugs - "It is fixed in the version we
> > are working on (KDE 3 at the time) so we aren't going to waste
> > time fixing it in the version everyone is using".  At that time
> > KDE 3 was almost a year away - like what was I supposed to do -
> > work with a broken browser!  No way.   I now use Mozilla.  

In all fairness, I can sympathize with kde.  I diagnose and maintain
commercial software (370 mainframe environment), and that's exactly
the approach we have to take.  But then, we do support more than the
current level.  In the case of kde, all the interfaces are changing to
a new format, so it may well be nearly impossible to fix some bugs
without the latest changes.  I do the same as you - use Mozilla when
something breaks, but I do look at each new kde release, and kde is
imporving a lot.  Will it be fast enough to suit you>  Probably not.

> I realize the OSS purists yell four-letter words at the thought, but
> you should also consider Opera.  If Mozilla runs on Linux anything 
> like the way it runs on Windows, Opera will run rings around it 
> performance-wise and not use up half the resources either. 

No arguments here.  My experiences with opera have been mostly
positive.  I gave up on it at one point (don't remember the details)
because it was broken above a certain kernel/glibc/X level.

> I run Opera and Netscape on my (admittedly not extremely
> cutting-edge stock Caldera eWkstn 3.1) Linux/KDE box, and it puts
> Netscape 4 to shame.  Been using it as standard browser under
> Windoze and I'm personally *glad* to pay these guys to keep in the
> market a legit alternative to those "free" browsers that are just
> acting as funnels to the vendor's other software or content.
> (Mozilla seems increasingly poisoned by the Netscape influence these
> days too, it's kinda depressing to see the default 'skin' look
> *identical* to how Netscape looked 4 years ago)

I'm not an eye candy sort of user.  Who cares about skins, anyway?  I
really like the tabbed window support in the later Mozilla builds;
Galeon has even better support for tabbed windows.

> What little I played with Konqueror was a sorry experience indeed.

I'm a much less demanding browser than you, obviously.  I find that
almost anything I want to browse works in kde3 konqueror.  Although it
doesn't have tabbed windows, I get the same effect from the active
window tabs in the kde3 panel.  If konqueror is active, clicking on
the konqueror tab (or any other application, for that matter), brings
up a dialog with choice tabs for any open windows for the application.

The one problem with kde (substitute most software products in the
linux arena, if you like), is that the interfaces are always changing,
and when you upgrade it's the whole lollapalooza each time.  No one
seems to have considered incremental upgrades of portions of the

> --
> Philip J. Koenig                                      
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers &
> Communications for the New Millenium
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