Kurt Wall wrote:
> Scribbling feverishly on April 13, Collins managed to emit:
> > [ snips ]
> [mondo snippage]
> > > Who knows.  At this point I really can't see myself spending the
> > > time to go to KDE 3 so if it's fixed fine, if not fine.
> > > essentially telling people that the release software is not
> > > supported just won't fly.
> >
> > I think I rest my case.  From my standpoint, if I don't have time to
> > try the current product, why should I expect the developers to spend
> > time with my problem?
> Why don't the developers fix the current problems before propagating
> them to the next release? "It's fixed in the next release" is not
> an acceptable answer -- that's camouflage for "I'd rather hack on
> the neato whiz bang widget." If KDE (or GNOME, or anything else)
> want to play with the big boys, they have to stabilize current
> products before abandoning them for the next generation.
> All those irons in the fire are part of the problem. If you try to be
> all things to all people, you end up satisfying no noe. Do one thing;
> do it well; do it right. Or, to put it another way: Good, cheap,
> fast -- pick any two.

I remember hearing an author at a book signing once say something to the

"To be successful, you must analyse what you do, decide what things you
_can't_ do best...and do the other things"

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