I like to build my RPMs from source, which means SRPMs.  Seemingly
randomly, right at the end of the build process, when it should be
actually creating the RPM, instead I see (what looks to me) a cryptic
error "glob counldn't find something or other".  Someone suggested that my
autoconf is horked or something like that, but i don't see this for every
SRPM i try to build, just some of them.

BTW, i'm using rpm-3.0.6 on a redhat-based box.  And as irony would have
it, when i tried to rebuild the rpm-4.0 SRPM, i got the same glob error.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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