On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > screen (with full screen the thang crashes when certain pop up ads
> > > appear in aol and freezes the computer. A reboot takes about 90
> > > minutes.)
> >
> > why 90 minutes?
> I have a couple of 80 gig drives (Me, download mp3's?) on this thing
> and an ext2 file system.  fsck is slow.

That still doesn't explain why it takes 90 minutes.  It sounds like your
hardware is slow, not the fsck.  I've sat through 700GB fscks, and they
took roughly 2 hours.  80GB shouldn't take 90 minutes.  Even 240GB
shouldn't take 90 minutes.
And i won't even go  into a lecture on why its a horrid idea to have many
large files on a ext2 fs.  I just hope you are aware that if your MP3
collection was on an xfs filesystem you'd never have to sit through a fsck
again, your fs performance would be much better, and you wouldn't be at
constant risk of losing everything during an ill-timed power outage.

> > > Can someone tell me where the log file goes for XFree86 in Redhat 7.1?
> >
> > unless RH built it differently (and they probably did),
> > /var/log/XFree86.0.log
> I could find no such log. locate XFree turns up nothing, either.

Well, i've got both from my installs of XFree86-4.x.  You sure that you're
running 4.x and not 3.3.x?

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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