Jerry McBride wrote:
>>"David A. Bandel" wrote:
>>>The UNSTABLE (x.ODD#.x) kernels are for kernel hackers.  Are you a
>>>kernel hacker?  Have you noticed the kernel doesn't use CVS?
> David you have a cold manner about you. Sorry if I pissed you off, but
> that's you.

No, he tells it like it is, no sugar coating.

> As for being a hacker... I've got the 2.5.10 kernel compiling like a gem.
> I must be doing something right. And if you re-read my postings, I suggest
> that these versions of 2.5.x should be kept under wraps in CVS...
> therefore I do know that these kernels aren't being kept in CVS...

Linux kernels have never been kept in an official CVS rep.  If that's 
your grip, then you need to start griping to the kernel hackers, 
starting with Linux, not us.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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