On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 17:38:38 -0400
begin  Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> Look at what Microsoft now has the effrontery to suggest:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/25085.html

Well, _all_ my non-laptop PCs were built by me.  Never came with an OS
(most disk drives you just buy off the shelf don't).  I don't have
anything to prove and neither does whoever takes my Linux PC (unless they
install Windoze on it).  The M$ slugs (that includes their BSA lackeys),
avoid me, and will probably avoid my clients if they just call me like
I've told them to.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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