On Mon, 06 May 2002 16:21:59 -0500 "Brett I. Holcomb"
> Well for one thing with OOoyou need a Green Hornet secret decoder
> ring to figure out how to install it.  You have to use a /net and
> other options to get it to work but that's not in any readme or
> other docs that come with 641D binary OR source.  I did remember
> from a distant time when I installed SO 5.2 that there were options
> - this after I did the OOo install and found it didn't work - but I
> didn't remember them.  However, I never found anything on the web
> site and was stuck until someone on the OOo mailing list gave me an
> obscure URL that explained what to do.  I haven't tried OOo 1.0 or
> whatever is the current version but maybe they do actually tell you 
> how to install it now so you don't have to be psychic <G>.
> Things like this make rpm -Uvh or rpm -ivh more and more attractive.
> Klaus-Peter Schrage wrote:
> > On Monday 06 May 2002 04:43, Collins wrote:
> > 
> >> I downloaded and installed it, but it appears to be OO or Star
> >redux -> same crappy install process, same overall look, so I
> >trashed it, since> I already have OO.
> > 
> > What's so crappy about the SO/OO install process? I did quite a
> > lot of installs on win resp. linux systems, and I wished all my
> > installation adventures had been that harmless.

Ditto.  Plus it's a gui install - no possibility to configure using
standard parameter settings (anyone ever heard of --prefix, for
example).  Since it's gui, you have to use xhost localhost if you want
the secret decoder ring stuff.  

In short, it looks like your average Windoze install.

Obviously, YMMV and MBIS (my bias is showing).

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.19+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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