On Mon, 06 May 2002 21:54:23 -0500
"Brett I. Holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Collins wrote:
> > On Mon, 06 May 2002 16:21:59 -0500 "Brett I. Holcomb"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Well for one thing with OOoyou need a Green Hornet secret decoder
> >> ring to figure out how to install it.  You have to use a /net and
> snipped
> >> > What's so crappy about the SO/OO install process? I did quite a
> >> > lot of installs on win resp. linux systems, and I wished all my
> >> > installation adventures had been that harmless.
> > 
> > Ditto.  Plus it's a gui install - no possibility to configure using
> > standard parameter settings (anyone ever heard of --prefix, for
> > example).  Since it's gui, you have to use xhost localhost if you want
> > the secret decoder ring stuff.
> > 
> > In short, it looks like your average Windoze install.
> > 
> > Obviously, YMMV and MBIS (my bias is showing).
> I guess mine is too <G>.  That's what's so frustrating about the
> OpenSource stuff - it wants to play with the big boys but when you ask
> about things like install instructions you get flamed!  Whether we like it
> or not we aren't going to win sysadmins over when they suddenly have to
> spend hours on mailing lists and searching websites for something that
> should be included in the package - like a readme!

Did Sun include their install manual in the OO source? If so, as it seems
the same, I would imagine that should be updated as needed. It seems that
the install options are the same. Just sone mew logos in the install

Ihe odd thing is, given that there is a GUI to install, why have command
line options at all? It is inconsistent. A button to select net or user, for
example, would fit the bill nicely.

| Roger Oberholtzer          |   E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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