On 5/8/2002 9:33 PM, someone claiming to be Bill Campbell wrote:
> On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 02:15:49PM -0500, Ben Duncan wrote:
>>WIll be getting off this Idsl stuff and getting a true SDSL connection 
>>with a static IP. I will get the DSL router set up to simply pass 
>>everthing thru and want to set up my own Linux Router.
> If you're not doing this just as an exercise in setting up Linux routers,
> you might want to look at the LinkSys Cable/DSL VPN router with built-in 4
> port 10/100 Switch (I think it runs embedded Linux).  They handle ipsec
> tunnels, NAT, and port forwarding through to machines on the internal
> private network, are configured with a web interface, and are basically
> cheap ($180US at my friendly neighborhood CompuUSA).

Hmmm... cheap=$180? For a simple router? Suppose the OP has an old PC laying around 
doing nothing that costs $0, and a coupla 10 MB NICs that cost $0. Is spending $180 
still cheap?

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