
On Thu, 9 May 2002, Gerry Doris wrote:

> > On Thu, 9 May 2002, dep wrote:
> >
> >> 
> >   Gee... $15 Million in revenue is a "Bad Thing"(tm)???  Not the $18
> > Million they expected.  What sort of P/E does the $15 mil represent?  I
> > would have to say that is GOOD news in light of the number of Linux
> > distributions that tanked in the last 12 months.
> >
> >   And I'm not at all suprised to hear they are cutting costs and
> >   letting
> > go their Chief Technology officer.  They are long overdue to perform a
> > bit of 'restructuring'...
> >
> >      --- Jay
> The key is that they lost $0.28/share and they lost more than they
> predicted just 3 months ago.  To shareholders that indicates they don't
> have control of their company.  Many companies have been punished severely
> in the market by missing their projections by just $0.01!!!
> I didn't read the full context but if they predicted they would make $18M
> and they only made $15 then they were off their own projections by 16.7%
> in 3 months...there's no way to make that good news.

   So you're saying that a "Good" company that is in control of the future
must therefore own a "Crystal Ball"!  By these standards, Caldera would be
JUST AS GUILTY of not managing their business if they had revenue of $21
Million - again missing their "Prediction" by 17%.  Horse pucky!  It's not 
that cut and dried.

   No company knows for sure what will happen in the retail market in the
next 3 or 4 months.  These are just predictions.  And if these
'predictions' were anything more than the FUD which they are, every
company would consistantly guess LOW and NEVER fall short of their
prediction and the stock market would always consider them as a good buy!

   Unbelivable that anyone would rate a company's health purely on their
ability to make a GUESS at the future, rather than a companies ability to
adjust to what the future brings.  There is ALOT more to it than that
quarterly prediction.  My own stock portfolio continues to gain around
17-20%/year despite the technology crash.  I think I will stick with my
own method of rating a stocks ability to grow... it seems to be working
quite well for me :-)

      --- Jay
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