Yes, SGI = silicon graphics.  Their variant of Unix, Irix, used the XFS 
filesystem, which has been ported to Linux.  The open sourced version of 
XFS includes a RH-7.2 install CD, which allows you to natively install 
RH-7.2 on a XFS filesystem.

Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> Thanks for the input.
> What is SGI - the one I know was Silcon Graphics - how does it tie into RH?
> Andrew Mathews wrote:
>>I'd have to agree with you. I originally started with RH around 5.2 and
>>immediately took a dislike, switching to Caldera. I've tried SuSE,
>>Debian, Slackware, Mandrake, and even <cough> Corel<cough> which I
>>immediately confused with an AOL disc, immediately making an excellent
>>drink holder. I run Caldera on this laptop, and another, as well as one
>>gateway/firewall and another mail server. However I've converted several
>>boxen to the SGI/RH 7.2 distro which I've had absolutely zero problems
>>with. Not one single problem! So in time, all mine will eventually be
>>all XFS/SGI/RH based. Hell, even SGI's vanilla 2.4.18 kernel runs like a
>>dream. I haven't been this impressed with a distro since eDesktop 2.4!
>>As a matter of fact, I'm having an intellectual *debate* (disagreement)
>>over using it vs. SuSE 8.0 for a new hot rod web server I'm building for
>>the State. I respect his opinion highly, but I really don't have a good
>>feel personally for SuSE just yet. I may test it on a spare laptop hard
>>drive over the weekend and see how different, or the same it really is.
>>It has to have XFS or I won't load it though. Any comments or opinions
>>about these are appreciated.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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