On Thu, 09 May 2002 18:38:40 -0700 "Net Llama!"
> I wouldn't say that Redhat doesn't have a clue.  They just like to
> make standards, rather than follow them.

I would call it "doing it their own damn way."  What they do
(sometimes reluctantly) becomes standard just because everyone else
gives up.

> I wouldn't touch Debian with a 10ft stick.  Way too many religious
> zealots.

Total agreement, but lots of people like it.  It's really the
"old-time religion," emphasis on o-l-d.  They do, of course, have a
development branch.  I could never get one of their base installs to
run on my machines.

> Mandrake makes a nice desktop distro, or so i've heard, but its a
> wee bit too unstable for my taste.  I mean, devfs as the standard???
>  What 
> were they thinking?

I guess I resemble that remark.  gentoo has been serving up devfs
almost since day one, and I can't remember any failures due to devfs. 
As I said in another post, once you get the arcane syntax down (gentoo
does it for you), you forget that it exists.

> SuSE has been gathering steam as a very dependable distro, although
> i've never used it.

I never did like the SuSE all-in-one configuration file that hides all
details of how linux systems really operate.

> So, that brings me back to Redhat, which is what i've settled on. 
> RedHat seems to be leaning more towards stability these days.  I
> think they might have realized that if they want to hold onto their
> market share, they need to meet the needs of the enterprise, not the
> needs to the l33t script kiddies.  

Caldera and RedHat, though miles apart otherwise, share one attribute
in common.  They like to do it their own way, to hell with any
standards.  I've always thought of them as the Microsofts of the linux
world: we're big enough to do it just because we can, and you have to
lump it.

As someone else said, ELX is putting together a nice distro for less
talented users, but, unfortunately performance sucks.

Which brings me back to gentoo.  Once you bite the bullet of a few
days compile time, you won't ever need another distro.  gentoo tries
to adhere pretty much to the evolving Linux Standard Base.  The init
scripts, on the other hand, and the installation packager deviate
completely from any sort of standard.  The gentoo developers are quite
responsive to problem reports and helping out as long as you do your
homework and post exact details.

There is no perfect distro.  You pays you money (hopefully little),
and you takes you chances.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.19+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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