Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 10 May 2002 18:37:28 -0700 "Net Llama!"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Collins wrote:
>>>On Thu, 09 May 2002 19:57:20 -0700 "Net Llama!"
>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I should add, that I use XFS on every new box I build.  Its a joy
>>>to>not have to worry about the filesystem anymore.  I've got 1 box
>>>with>ext3, and its a constant headache.
>>>ymmv.  I've been using ext3 for quite a while (brief excursion
>>>into XFS, but tired of the limited kernel offerings), and I
>>>certainly have no filesystem worries.  No headaches either.
>>Define "limited kernel offerings"?  Every 2.4.x kernel released has
>>had an XFS patch.
> True, but I don't always stick to the "released kernels."  gentoo
> makes available a number of offerings that include patches (such as
> the low latency series and other performance enhancements) which are
> relatively stable but not available for the XFS kernel.  For example,
> I'm at a 2.4.18+ kernel, whereas the XFS offering is still at 2.4.17.

uname -r:

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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