hey, gang!

y'know what the world needs? yet another linux distribution!

now, i admit that you might attribute this notion to the fact that i'm 
on some pretty fearsomely effective painkillers at the moment due to 
a physician who probably should have been a meat packer, but hear me 

in my little column on wednesday, while bitching about the general 
behavior of distributors in general, i put forth the opinion that 
caldera edesktop was for its time the best linux distribution from 
anyone ever. i used it for ages, upgrading stuff as needed; probably 
would be using it still but for having fubared the thing with a glibc 
upgrade that broke just about everything. my fault, i think -- it's 
possible even to upgrade glibc; i've done it, in fact did it before 
on 2.4.

anyway, the distributions have gone kind of haywire, off in all kinds 
of goofy directions. so what i'm wondering is how difficult it would 
be to put together a modern distribution based on 2.4, with 
everything simply updated to newer stuff. i've been through a whole 
collection of other distros, and they all fall short -- rh puts stuff 
in weird places; suse is just too damned, well, suse; debian is 
debian and slack is slack; mandrake tends to be rh only broken. and 
so on. and fact is, the distro i want to be running is caldera 2.4 
upgraded to the current century.

suppose a recipe for this could be cooked up?

http://www.linuxandmain.com -- outside the box, barely within the 
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
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