On 5/21/2002 10:56 AM, someone claiming to be Net Llama! wrote:
>>>> Then what's the secret to getting a good audio CD burned with 
>>>> gcombust?
>>> Secret?  There isn't one really.  First go to the "Audio Files"
>> My problem is the "Swab audio" option in the Misc Options section.
>> What is it, and should the damn button be pressed or not? In other
>> words, how am I supposed to know whether the audio data is in
>> "byte-swapped (little endian) order"? WTF is "byte-swapped (little
>> endian) order" anyway? Better yet, why do I even have to know?
> According to the cdrecord man page:


Yeah, yeah, I READ that. Doesn't mean I follow it (I fairly dim, ya know...)

> recorder.  You only need the -swab flag if your data stream is in
> Intel (little-endian) byte order.

Is my data stream in "Intel (little-endian) byte order"? How should I know?

> Note that the verbose output of cdrecord will show you if swappingis
> necessary to make the byte order of the input data fit the required
> byte order of the recorder.  Cdrecord will not show you if the -swab
> flag was actually present for a track.

OK, so cdrecord should be telling me somehow? Should I just leave the button 
unpressed? It seems to be pressed by default. Shouldn't the software know whether 
-swab is required?

OK, tonight, I'll try again to burn audio with gcombust to see what I get. And, I'll 
use a CD-RW ;-). I won't be able to use it in half my CD players, but at least I 
should be able to figger out the damn -swab flag crap.


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